Death, My Dear

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"GUYS HELP." I yell to the group who walked ahead of us. I hold Emily in my arms. "HELP. PLEASE." I yell louder. They come running. "What happened?" Liz says, on her knees on the ground next to me. "We were fighting, and she like passed out cold." I say. 

"She doesn't have a pulse." Liz kneels over her, her hands pounding on her chest, performing CPR. "1, 2, 3." She counts out loud. "Somebody call 911 right fucking now." Her words sound panicked but her voice is stern. Von has his phone in his hand, calling an ambulance. I feel my body go cold, numb, can't move. I try to help but I'm frozen. "Okay, they're on their way." Von kneels next to Liz as she keeps doing compressions on Emily. Her lifeless body lying on the ground, her lips are cold, her hands not moving. 

"1, 2, 3...COME ON..BREATHE" Liz yells, I hear sirens in the distance. In seconds, people rush to the scene, men in uniforms. "Let me take over." A man says to Liz, she falls back into Von's arms on the ground. I feel hands around me, Nicky..."Let go of me." I yell. "Come on, back up. Let them work." He says, pulling me back. I mange to stumble to my feet, taking a few steps back. Nick practically catches me in his arms. "It's okay, she's going to be fine." He says, holding me. "I told her I loved her. I told another person on this earth that I loved them and now it's taking her from me. Just like it took Tommy." I push away from Nick and take off down the path, running as fast as my legs can carry me. The rain starts pounding at my face, but I keep going, I can't stop. 


"Collin..." The air goes thick and the world goes dark. I feel my body fall. I'm standing there, watching the scene unfold in front of me. He catches me on his chest, leading me to the ground. My eyes closed as I lay on the ground, lifeless and cold. "GUYS HELP." He yells after them. "HELP PLEASE." He yells again. They come running, Liz starts CPR, am I dying? 

"Hi." I hear behind me, a tall boy comes into view, almost angelic. "What.." I squint my eyes to keep the light from blinding me. It dissipates, and he's standing before me. "Who are you?" I ask. "I'm Tom..nice to meet you Emily." I stare at him as he walks past me, watching the scene in front of us. The screams of terror and counting go silent. "You''re Tommy, aren't you." He turns to me, a smile grows across his face. "Yes, I am." He walks in front of me now, facing me. His eyes bright and the glow around him makes him shine. "I came here because this is not your time. You cannot leave this world like this. You cannot leave him like this." He looks over at Collin, his hands on his head as he watches, the horror and sadness painted on his face. "I left him like that. I wish I could take it back, but when I was alive, I made sure I couldn't." He stands at the end of the grass, as they pump me full of drugs, pressing up and down on my chest. I watch as Collin stands, against Nick. The he takes off, running down the path away from everything..faster and faster. I guess he couldn't stick around. 

"I got a pulse! Let's get her to Philly Medical ASAP." They quickly put me on the stretcher, a tube down my throat to intubate me. They run as many tests as they can in the field, rushing me to the hospital, Liz is in the back. She refused to leave me. This is why I love her. 

"24 year-old female, became unconscious in the park while with friends. Pulseless when we arrived on scene, friend and nurse actively performing CPR. Intubated in the field. ROSC achieved in the field, GCS 7." "Get her to trauma bay 1." They flood into the room, Liz standing outside the door, being comforted by another nurse. I stand in the corner, Tommy next to me. 

"So what is this? Why can I see what they're doing to me?" I ask. "I don't really know why. When I did what I did, I saw myself, I saw my family and what it did to them. I was alone then, I didn't have anyone to walk me through it. Soon, I saw light and I followed it. Seems very cliché but it's true." I watch them work on me. 

"She's not conscious but breathing against the ventilator. Get RT in here." The doctor yells. "Any illnesses? Allergies?" He ask, they all shake their heads. I walk out, looking for Liz. I see her standing at the desk, giving them my info. 

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