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"Tickets please!" We show the woman at the gate our tickets, getting through security and bag check. Sitting at the terminal, waiting to board. 

Matt: Want to meet up over break? 

Me: Can't. Heading to LA today with Liz. Won't be back until Sunday. 

Matt: What's in LA? Vacation? 

Me: A good friend needed some help on a project. Going out to help, see the sights. 

Matt: Nice, see you after! Stay safe. 

I sit in the chairs outside the terminal. Waiting for our flight number to be called. Liz walks over handing me a Dunkin iced coffee and flipping open some magazines. "What does Collin need help in LA for and why did he give us two tickets?" She asked. "He didn't say. Just that it had something to do with recording and I'm guessing Von wants to see you." I say, her cheeks turn red. "What's going on between you two?" I ask. "Well, after that cabin getaway where we hooked up, we've been texting and FaceTiming a lot." She says. "Well, are you guys gonna date?" I ask. "I don't know, I want to but we haven't really talked about it. Maybe we will while we're out there?" 

"Flight 643 to Los Angeles, now boarding." The overhead says, we grab our carry ons and walk through the tunnel to the plane, finding our seats. I sit in the aisle seat, away from the window. I haven't always been the best flyer. I buckle in, putting on my headphones to listen to something other than the sounds of the plane flying down the runway. I brace myself in the seat as we take off. Liz pats my hand and gives me a painful smile. We level off and I grab my book as we fly. Letting the pages of 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' take me to anywhere else besides this plane. 

We land, getting our carry on's from the overhead bin and leaving the plane. We make our way out of the terminal and through the security gate to the middle of a large group of people. Searching for the baggage claim. I see two boys, standing amongst the crowd with signs in their hands. "Liz" written on Von's, "Emily" written on mine, like two driver's waiting for their pickup. We walk to them, Von gives Liz a big hug a swift kiss. I hug Collin tight and he squeezes me. "Come on, baggage is this way." They lead us, we stand waiting for our bags to come down the conveyor belt. Liz grabs hers, we wait a while longer until they finished from our plane, my bag no where in sight. 

"Come on, I'm sure its around here somewhere." We make our way to the info desk, asking the woman behind the counter about our flight. "Which number was it?" She asks, typing feverishly into her computer. "Flight 643 from Boston." I say, she types away, grabbing the phone and calling. "Hi, I'm looking for a maroon duffle, name on it Emily Marchesi. It was on 643 from Boston to LA. It didn't come through baggage." She says, nodding as she gets an answer over the phone. She fills out some papers and slides them across the counter. "They don't have it down there, I'm sure it was put into the wrong area for baggage claim. Here is the number for your missing bag claim and we will look for it. It usually takes a day or two to locate. If not, we will reimburse you the cost of the flight. Until then, you may have to buy some clothes and supplies until we get word. We will call you in about two or three days with an update." She smiles, apologizing for the inconvenience. I walk back over to Von, Liz, and Collin. "They lost it. She said they might find it but it could take a few days." I say, holding nothing but my carry on. Which has my headphones, phone charger, my book and my wallet. "Can we stop somewhere I can get some stuff? I have nothing." They all nod and we make our way to the parking garage. I get in the front so Liz and Von can share the backseat, Collin drives. 

"Can you drop us off at the hotel?" Von asks. "Sure." The rest of the drive is full of laughter from Von and Liz in the backseat. I make a note in my phone of everything I packed, making sure there's nothing in my duffle I would be devastated if I lost. Most of it was just clothes and toiletries so not a big loss. Thankfully, my phone and wallet were with me. We pull up and Von and Liz get out, running into the hotel, two kids about to have sex for the first time in months. Liz hasn't been with anyone since the cabin trip, she really likes him a lot. Which is not her usually go-to. Collin and I drive around, looking for somewhere I can get some clothes and things. We stop at CVS. I grab a cart and walk down the aisles, piling in lotion, shampoo, conditioner, razors. The essential things a girl needs while wearing dresses and shorts all the time. Can't have hairy legs in the middle of spring when it's 85 out. 

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