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Third person pov
Izumi slow stood up and walked to the door with her head held down quickly walking to the door. "Whore!" Some guy in the back of the class shouts making the class laugh. "Gentlemen quiet down!" Ms Midnight says trying to cut back on the noise.

Izumi walks down the hall only looking up when she needed to look at a map or turn the corner. The quiet halls made her sadness and depression echo louder in her head. Why did you think you were going to fit in? Hm? Who told you they would accept you? You know that's not what happens. You should have learned your lesson by now. "Izumi finally, get in here." Her father interrupts the brooding thoughts filling her head. "Care to explain?" Her father says pulling out one of the printed pictures. "W-Where did you get that?!" She says raising her voice even though it's wavering heavily.

"I'm the one asking questions and watch your tone. Now I will ask you again, care to explain?" Her father repeats in a firmer way. "It's a misunderstanding and if anything why am I at fault here?! If you look for more than two seconds you can clearly see I am uncomfortable! Now do your job and protect your child!" Her father stands there in shock at the fact that 1. She was right and 2. She yelled at him. Izumi has always been the one to bite her tongue no matter the situation so to yell at her father... that's new.

"W-Well *Ahem* the custodians are already taking them down." He turns and throws the picture in the trash. "Now my real question, I know how detrimental rumors can be for someone of your age and what it can do to your mental health. I am giving you a choice. Stay here or go back to being homeschooled." Her father turns back to izumi and crosses his arms. "You have til the end of the school day to decide or I will do it for you. You are dismissed."

Izumi turns and rushes out of the door to the nearest restroom and locks the door. And she breaks down that annoying little voice in the back of her head finally getting to her. Look at you! Crying for the second time in one day. You are a cry baby ʞɐɔɔɥɐu ʍɐs ɹᴉƃɥʇ ʎon ɐɹǝ nsǝlǝss! ᴉ qǝʇ ᴉɟ ʎon ɾnɯd ɹᴉƃɾʇ uoʍ uo ouǝ ʍonlp uoʇᴉɔǝ. You should take him up on the offer. No one wants to see your hideous face. Oh god go cry me a river why don't cha! "UGH SHUT UP!"

"Uhm is everything okay in there?"

"Yeah totally I'll be out soon just fixing my makeup!"

My first update ain't save and publish a non finished pageeeewe well I'm still alive lol and sorry for not updating I'll repay you guys

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