7| Combat Training pt.1

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chapter seven


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( huge shoutout to this amazing girl BONKYA for making this drawing!🥺❤️)

YUNO SMILES AS MIDORIYA clenched his fist and stared triumphantly at Mr.Aizawa.

"He got over 700 meters?!"

"Finally, a hero-like record!" Uraraka exclaims, raising her arms in the air, hitting Yuno in the face in the process of doing so.

"His finger's swollen!" The boy beside her, Iida, exclaims as he places a hand on his chin. "There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange quirk."

"I think he broke his finger. Ochaco, go give him a kiss." Yuno nudges her as Uraraka punches her side, Yuno coughs from the sudden hit that had taken her breath away.

"Ow!" Yuno yelps quietly as she rubs her side, Uraraka always did hit her a little harder than she was supposed to.

"Hey!" The Bakugo exclaims as he makes his way over to Midoriya who was busy looking down at his hand.

"Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!" Bakugo yells as he runs closer and closer to Midoriya. Her breathing stopped for a second, the shout of his name brought back forgotten memories about the boy who Katsuki always complained about. Deku this. Deku that. What exactly did this Deku do to make Bakugo resent them so much?

They all watch as Mr. Aizawa's scarf wraps around Bakugo, just seconds before he could get to Deku before he did

"They're weapons for capture made of carbon fiber woven together with metal wire made of special alloy. Jeez.. Don't keep making me use my Quirk over and over." Mr. Aizawa says as everyone nervously stared at the scene in front of them, lucky that they weren't the ones being called out by the slightly intimidating teacher.
"I have dry eyes."

His hair goes back down as he goes back to his normal and bored state.

"We're wasting time. Whoever's next, get ready." Mr. Aizawa says as he waves the two off. Deku stares at the ash blond for a second before jogging back to where he earlier was.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh, yeah."


After finishing the rest of their test they were now grouped up in front of Mr. Aizawa.

"Okay, I'll quickly tell you the results. The total is simply the marks you got from each test. It's a waste of time of time to explain verbally, so I'll show you the results all at once." Mr. Aizawa says as the phone projects the scores, her eyes immediately going to last place, not caring where on the chart she was. 24th place : Izuku Midoriya.

Her heart was at ease knowing she wasn't last place, she couldn't help but feel pity for the person in last place. Knowing that their heart must be broken to see themselves at the bottom of the list.

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