9| Tough

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chapter nine


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URARAKA AND YUNO WERE at the entrance when they were bombarded with interviewers.

"Will you tell us about what the Symbol of Peace is like as a teacher?" One lady questions the two as Uraraka nervously stared at the cameras.

"Wh-What he's like? Um.. He's very muscular!" Uraraka says as the lady then turns the mic to Yuno.

"What about you?!" The lady questions Yuno who faked clearing her throat, leaning closer into the mic.

"I am not obligated to answer your questions, thank you very much. We will be leaving now." Yuno smiles as she interlocks her arm with Uraraka, pulling her away.

"She looks familiar.."


"Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and results. Bakugo, you're talented, so don't act like a kid." Mr. Aizawa says as Yuno turns to look at the ash blond beside her.

"I know."

"And Midoriya.  You settled it by breaking your arm again, huh? You can't keep saying you can't help it because you can't control your Quirk. I don't like saying the same thing over and over. As long as you fix the control issue, there's a lot you'll be able to do. Feel a sense of urgency, Midoriya." Mr.Aizawa says as you could feel the happiness radiating off of Deku from her seat.

"Yes, sir!"

"Now let's get down to home room business. Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you.." Mr. Aizawa said as the same question filled everyone's mind.

Take another special test?!

"Decide on a class representative." He finishes.

"I want to be class rep! Pick me!"

"Me too!"

"I want to do it, too."

"It's a job made for m-"

"I'll be the leader!"

"My manifesto is for all girls' skirts to be 30 centimeters above the knee!"

"Let me do it! Me!"

Many students had raised their hands, as they wanted to be the lucky choice.

"Silenced, please!" Iida exclaims as everyone becomes quiet at the sound of his voice. "It is a job with serious responsibility of leading others. It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one."

"Your hand is raised the highest!"

"Why did you suggest that?"

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