Chapter Two - Whispers In the Night

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So I know it's a little short.... Bear with me though. UNEDITED.

Please note that I am in the middle of a major edit and will be posting the revised chapters as they are completed. Also note that from this chapter forward, this is a ROUGH draft. I haven't edited any of it except for spell-check. (8/20/13)


The next fifteen minutes had been hectic, but we were allowed back inside when the teachers explained it was a burnt bag of popcorn. So now, I was in the bathroom, waiting to see my fate.

I stared at the little stick and fiddled my fingers. I half hoped for a positive, because I could bring a part of my parents back, but a baby would devastate my life. I'd definitely be choosing abortion if it was positive.

I still couldn't believe that Mama was gone. I loved them both. There was nothing good about it, except the fact that I'd be able to make my own choices.

Josh, for instance - he was forbidden fruit. And some good fruit, I might add. They were so careful to make sure I was with someone at all times when there was a male present. They had even enforced curfew. But when you're a teen and you want something, you'll get clever. Josh and I would meet behind the bleachers during lunch. And it was fun.

I've seen people do it in the bathrooms, in their cars - even on the football field. A little disgusting, but understandable. And of course, the teachers didn't care - well, except for Mr. Davis. He was weird.

Soon enough, five minutes passed. I flipped over the test and sighed with relief as one line stared at me.

"Yes!" I whispered, throwing it away. It was almost lunchtime, and then I could hopefully get out of here.  I washed my hands and headed out the door.

I walked through the hallway and to my locker to grab some more money and some gum. Turning my lock, I opened the door to see an envelope with my name written on it. I was a little shocked, but I opened it.

Dear Sapphire,

I'm so sorry for your loss. I am praying for peace and guidance for you as you go through this difficult time.


I closed the envelope and smiled, and then a feeling of dread came over me as I looked at the time.

I was called into the office at 10:18. I didn't even know yet.

So who knew?

I walked down to the principal's office and knocked on the door. "Ms. Neeson? I got an interesting letter that I wish to show you?"

There was no answer.

I looked for the secretary but she wasn't there. Suddenly goose bumps appreaed on my skin and my skin crawled. I walked over to the window and peered in.

"Ms. Neeson?" I knocked again, looking around the office.

And then I saw a body. Blood everywhere and clothes shredded.

Oh God. I'm gonna puke.

I ran out of the room screaming. Something strange was happening and I had absolutely no idea what.

Who do I tell?

I ran to the math room and rushed in the door. "Mr. Davis!"

"Ms. Jones! What do you think you're doing?"

I grabbed his arm and nodded my head towards the door. "She's dead!"

His face turned a pale white. "Sapphire..... did you?"

"No! I went to see her about a letter in my locker. She didn't answer and when I peered through the window I saw her. Dead."

Meanwhile, the class was texting. But when I said dead, all heads turned.

"Ooh." They all said in unison.

Mr. Davis got up. "You people stay here. Lock the doors and don't open it for anyone but me. Sapphire, show me." He trembled.

I was glad to oblige. But I wouldn't look at her again. "In her office."

"Sapphire, are you sure?" he asked me.

I nodded. "I'm sure. But do you want me to call 911 or something? Just in case?"

Mr. Davis ran to the office and looked in the window before I could stop him. And his screams could be heard throughout the entire school.

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