Chapter Nine - "My name is...."

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*Christopher White is Macy (White) Grant's brother. He is a main character in the completed book, Somewhere Safe.


"We have time." David said, crossing his arms.

I sighed as I recounted my childhood and the past days.

"Larson did things... And he was the father of my first two children." I whispered.

~3rd Person POV ~

"So... Sapphire, is it?" He asked with a twisted smile. Beth looked at him, showing no fear as he brandished a knife.

"In court we traded first names. Except Elizabeth was Sapphire's middle name anyway. When Larson went to jail and was preparing for trial."

He smiled and pointed to the document again. "Not according to this, Miss Sapphire Thomson."

"My name is Beth Thompson." She replied coolly.

He shrugged. "Stubborn, huh?"

He turned and pressed a button. "April, can you get this brat out of here? Tell Madeline that she isn't telling us anything."

A womanly voice replied over the intercom. "Will do. Do you want her with Mr. White?"

He groaned and turned around, facing Beth. "Ask Madeline. But maybe a week or so with the young Mr. White will change her mind."

The door opened and a woman came in with a syringe. "Thomas, I need you to hold her down."

The man nodded and pinned Beth's arms to the floor. "Don't even think of moving." He hissed.

The woman pressed the needle into Beth's pale skin and watched as she grew limp.

"Thomas, do you and Madeline really think she knows...?"

He shook his head. "This is revenge."

~ Sapphire's POV ~

"He touched you?" roared David as I explained.

I groaned as a nurse came in. "Can he leave for a minute?" I asked her, pointing to David.

She smiled. "Why don't you want your boyfriend in here?"

David ran out of the room with a childish grin on his face.

I nodded my head and raised my eyebrows. "Boyfriend. That's new."

The nurse just laughed. "So what can't he hear that you need to talk about or ask about?"

"Was I pregnant?" I asked, worry overcoming me. Worry that Larson had really been here and that if he was, that he knew. That he knew how messed up my life had been since him.

She nodded. "Yes, the blood test came back saying you are. The HCG levels are a bit high for what you measure, but we think the little fellow is doing fine. That said, it's a miracle the blow didn't kill you or the fetus."

I blinked. "What did you just say?"

"You're pregnant."

I shut my mouth, my thoughts rushing with concerns. In this state – I'd have to let Beth's mother know. Unlike before the move.

"What are the chances I'll miscarry?" I asked.

The nurse looked at me and I could tell she was thinking over her response. "It's medium to high. In combination with your rib injuries, like I said, it's a miracle the fetus is alive at all when you consider being hit by a car."

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