Chapter Ten - Etch a Sketchy Lie

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Like I said before, this is a little short. But pay attention!!!!! Zack is someone you may know from another book xD

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Chris sat back and nodded. "Well, Sapphire,"

"Call me Beth. They don't need to know." Beth said quickly.

"Well, Beth, what's your story?"

Beth shuffled her feet. "It's a long story Chris."

"We have time."

~ Sapphire's POV ~

I watched as people walked in the hallways, talking outside my window. David still hadn't come back and I was worried. And Beth was gone as well.

"Ms. Jones?" a voice asked from the doorway.

A uniformed officer came in and stood by me. "Can you answer a few questions?"

I nodded. "Sure."

"According to some of your classmates, you were the last one seen with Beth Thompson before she disappeared. Was she anxious, mad, upset, anything?"

I bit my lip. "She was upset. Pissed off. I broke a promise and she was mad at me. We're like sisters."

"What was the promise?" she asked.

I looked at her. "It's personal."

She raised an eyebrow. "Okay then, can you tell me or give me an idea about what was going on? Was she waiting for someone, was someone watching you, or was she acting like she was going somewhere?"

I let out an exasperated sigh. "With all due respect, I know that you are doing your job but can you stay away from my personal life please? She had just come to school from THIS hospital because her mom asked her to go to school. She wasn't planning on leaving or anything. I was frustrated at her when I last saw her, so I ran outside and to my quiet area where I could focus. Next thing I knew, I heard screams, and I ran out after her into the street. And presto, I'm here with broken ribs and a bunch of other things while a mad person has my friend, so stop talking to me and go find her!!"

My face was red with rage. "But," I said, cooling down, "like I said, I know you're doing your job, but I'm just pissed."

She smiled at me. "How far along are you?"

Damn she's good. I thought.

"Excuse me?" I asked, feigning innocence.

She chuckled. "You could argue that the puffy face is from your accident, but I haven't seen mood swings like that since I had my daughter. I was 17, so I know exactly what you're thinking with that look on your face."

"You're good." I mumbled, burying my head into my pillow.

"Does anyone know?" she asked.

I moaned. "Get out."

"I will. I just wanted to let you know that we will find Beth. And that I'm sure you'll do the best thing regarding your pregnancy."

She walked out of the room meekly, meeting with the people in front.

"Williams, that wasn't very professional." Her supervisor told her, the sound coming in through the doorway.

"I know sir. And I think I know what she's not saying."

~ 3rd Person POV ~

Chris nodded as Beth told her story.

"So your mother is actually your stepmom who raised you when your biological mother died? And your father is never home because he works, right? Am I catching this right so far?"

Beth nodded. "Crazy, huh? Liz, or Sapphire as she goes by now, is my cousin. My father and her mother were siblings."

Chris chuckled. "Beth, until you meet my family, you don't know what crazy is."

"So whatever happened to that David fellow?" Beth asked.

Chris shook his head. "He disappeared into thin air after the shootings. No one could find him – I always assumed he went back to the Hill. But anything could happen."

Beth scratched her head and looked at Chris. "Something about that name... Sapph told me that she met this dude the day her parents died. David Johnson or something."

"He's back."

~ Sapphire's POV ~

David came in the room and smiled at me. "Hey Sapph. I'm sorry I wasn't back as quick. A cousin of mine flew into town and he wanted to have a chat. Zack, meet Sapphire. Sapphire, meet Zack."

I stared at Zack and shuddered.

His name wasn't Zack.

Nathaniel Larson Johnson was back.

And he knew David.

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