Chapter Three - Lust Isn't Love

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It had been two weeks since my parents died.

Apparently, they somehow said in their will that they wanted me with Beth and her family, and Beth's family, upon learning so, despite my insistence, shuffled me into their home and into their family. Not that I don't love Beth, but I want to be myself.

I had received so many letters and flowers since the crash, and it was a bit unnerving to me. Especially the one in my locker.

I hadn't seen David since that day, and for some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was such a handsome devil - and just what I needed to get myself happy again.

So I looked for excuses to go the drugstore, for gum, Tylenol, soda, all to see him again.

I hadn't been back to school since the funeral. My mind had been wandering and it seemed like I couldn't control it.

"Should I go to school today?" I asked aloud to the air.  I was still having nightmares from seeing Ms. Neeson torn apart. The police still had no idea who did it, only that whoever did it was dangerous.

They had come to the conclusion that it had happened during the fire alarm, and that the cameras were fogged from the smoke, so they couldn't find out who did it that way.

Finally I decided that I would attempt to go to school. I got dressed and headed out the door, deciding to walk there before the rest of the house woke up. I needed some air, and a chance to see David again would be nice too.

I walked into the drugstore and grabbed a Mountain Dew. Looking around, I walked up and down the aisles to spy on David.

"What do you think you're doing?" David said, grinning.

I jumped. "Hey David. I'm just - just looking around."

He smiled and wrapped me into a hug. "So how are you doing Sapphire?"

I blushed. "I'm doing fine. The funeral was a week and a half ago, and I'm going back to school today."

"You free tonight?" David asked.

I shuffled my feet and smiled nervously.

C'mon Sapphire! Are you actually nervous? What happened to the badass player who'd purposely break hearts?

"Um, yeah, I am. Where are we going?" I asked.

David grinned. "It's a surprise. Can you be ready by 6?"

I was nearly bubbling over. "I'm living over by the park. I'll totally be ready to go."

David wrapped his arm around me, brushing my black hair aside. "Let's get this soda paid for."

I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Let's go!"

I looked down as he rang up the soda and I took it from him. "See you tonight." I said, walking out the door. He waved and grinned.

Tonight would be amazing.

I ran to school, my cheeks glowing. For the first time I actually felt happy.

Could I be falling for him?

I walked in the door and went to my locker, grabbing my books and putting up my purse and jacket.

"Hey hot stuff."

I was cautious as I turned. "Hey Kyl-!"

The brat forced his lips upon mine and I gagged. Gagged and slapped him promptly in the face.

"Hey Sapph, we can work it out. Wanna go hang in my ca- ow!" He yelled.

I had enough and had promptly kicked him in the balls. "Jerk. Keep your filthy brain and hands to yourself." I muttered.

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