Chapter Twelve - "I'm a Murderer."

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Zack and David stared each other down as the cold, bitter November wind blew on them. The leaves blew around them.

"What do you want Zack? To ruin my life? I already served my time and my record is clear. She doesn't need to know." David said, looking around as the clouds swirled above them.

Zack shrugged with a smile. "Dude, you know she likes you, right? All I'm saying is that she should know."

David shook his head and clenched his fist. "Shouldn't you be somewhere Zack? I haven't turned you in yet only because I haven't gotten around to it, and you know that I know where you live.

"Yeah, but... if you turn me in, she dies. Or did you not get the letter from the old man? He likes her too. And honestly, I'd go for her any day."  Zack replied with a twisted grin.

David punched him in the nose.

Zack spit, wiping blood from his nose. "There's good old Davy. I missed you." 

"Zack, stay the hell away from her, okay?" David said, looking behind them at the hospital as the skies grew darker.

Zack shrugged. "How the hell did you get out of jail time anyway?"

David shook his head and looked at Zack. "Stay out of my damn business."

"Oh, I touched a nerve there, didn't I? Davy has a soft spot!" Zack laughed.

David refrained from punching him against all of his will. "Stay away from her."

"Whatever. He's watching you, and he's been watching her too. And if you're not careful you'll get her friend killed like you got her parents killed."

David held back his anger no longer. "I had nothing to do with her damn parents Zack! And you know it! Whatever old Tom and Madeline are doing up there I've had no say or interest in since the shootings."

"Watch your back David. And I'd watch hers too."

Zack walked away as David looked on, biting his lip and looking at the pond in front of him, the ducklings following their mother out of the water.

"Should I tell her?" He asked to the air. It was starting to get dark now as the sun sunk into the horizon, leaving orange and red streaks across the sky.

David looked down and sighed. He couldn't tell her. And he probably never would.

~ Sapphire's POV ~

I wheeled myself down to the room where Beth's mother was, thinking to myself about what I was going to ask and how to ask it.

I had to have her permission, plain and simple. They wouldn't do it without consent.

I opened the door and wheeled myself into the room. "Mrs. Thompson?"

She looked up and smiled. "They told me you got into trouble."

"More trouble than you know." I said, taking a deep breath.

She chuckled. "Spit it out."

"I need your consent for an abortion."

She was stunned. "Liz... I mean, Sapphire... why?"

"Because I can't go on knowing I'm carrying the child of the man who killed my parents." I lied. I felt bad about lying but how else would she understand?

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