Chapter Five - A Little Bit Of Blood And Bandages

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I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY!!! I had to clean my room Saturday and do a lot of homework yesterday.

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After about twenty minutes of make-up, showering, and just plain calming down, I decided it was time to go find Mrs. Thompson.

Hopefully she has something else to do. I thought to myself.

I looked around the room and made myself presentable. "Mrs. Thompson? I'm ready!"

I looked around the house to see where she had gone. "Hello?"

Walking across the hall, I opened the door to her bedroom.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously, "I'm ready to go!"

I moved my eyes around, gazing through the room.

And then I noticed the open window.

Chills ran up my spine as I walked over to close it. And then my foot hit a big, warm thing.

I shrieked as I knelt down besides the still body. Putting my hand over her nose and mouth ever so slightly, I checked for a breath. Anything to indicate she was still alive.

Please be alive. Please be alive!

To my relief, I could feel the faint and warm breathing. I pulled out my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what is your emergency?"

I looked down at Mrs. Thompson and took a deep breath. "My friend's mother is on the floor, unconscious, barely breathing, and the bedroom window is open. It looks like she was stabbed."

"Okay sweetie, where are you?"

"2115 Parker Avenue. Please, just hurry! I can't have another person I know die!"

I slammed my hands over my mouth as I said it. No one but me should've known. And I just spilled it.

"What's your name and how old are you Sweetie?"

I checked Mrs. Thompson again, taking off my jacket and pressing it on top of her stomach, trying to stop the blood. I'd seen it on TV once, so why not try it?

"My name is Sapphire, and I'm 17. Just hurry the fr*cking hell up would you? She's bleeding!"

"The medics are already on the way. Can you stay on the line for just a moment?"

I wondered whether I should tell them about the letters or not. "Sure."

"Okay Sapphire, they're almost there. Do you know of anyone who would've wanted to do this to her?"

I realized that at this moment, I'd have to tell someone sooner or later. "Someone's been stalking me. Sending me letters. He killed my principal and my teacher!"

"Stalking you?"

"Yes, stalking me. I have the letters to prove.... Never mind. I'm sorry."

I had realized that had thrown the first one away and handed the other to Mr. Bradley. I had no proof. Why would they listen?

I heard sirens screaming down my street and the door opening.

"Mom? I'm home!" Beth yelled.                         

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