Chapter Four - Bits and Pieces

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I know my chapter is a little short, but I found it a bit hard to lengthen. Would you rather have shorter or longer chapters?

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I put my books into their place in my locker for the day, grabbing my purse and putting my assignment reminders up.

I moved my purse and looked in the locker.

A white envelope looked up at me.

Dear Sapph,

The mean old coot is gone. He won't be touching you anymore. He won't make you cry anymore.

See my work? How do you like it?

I love you! And I think it's time we meet.


I looked in the envelope and jumped back. I was going to puke.

I slammed the locker shut and ran, looking behind me and racing for safety.

Zooming through the halls, I shoved into the bathroom and let my guts out.

He had chopped Mr. Davis into pieces. Literally. I had no idea where it was taken, but it was obviously not photoshopped.

I clutched the picture and wiped the vomit off of my mouth, walking towards the assistant principal's office.

"Mr. Bradley!" I screamed. I was terrified out of my mind and I had no idea what to do. I was too afraid to go to the police, and I was definitely locking myself in my room when I got home.

The door swung open and I slammed the letter on the desk, running. Running out the door, past the school, and to home.

I wasn't safe. He was determined to find me. And when he did, what then? People have been stalked before, and killed by them!

I was definitely not going anywhere until I was blended into society. Camouflaged and safe. And protected by the police. No way on earth I'd do otherwise.

Beth's mother stopped what she was doing when I rushed into the house, my hair flying behind me.

"Sapphire? What's wrong?" she yelled as I rushed to the room Beth and I shared.

I threw up again, shuddering as I knelt on the floor.

The door opened and Beth's mother came walking in. "Sapphire, what's wrong?"

I looked up, shaking. My face was pale. "People are dying because of me."

She took one good look at me and I could only imagine what she was thinking. "Sapphire, you're going to the doctor."

I shook my head, fighting back the vomit. "I don't need to see a doctor!"

And then I lost the battle against my vomit, right in front of her.

I shook my head. "Okay, maybe you're a little right?"

She gave me a look and crossed her arms. "What aren't you telling me?"

"I'm telling you everything I know! A person is out to get me, and he said he killed my parents, my principal, and my teacher. You should get away before you die too." I said, feeling dizzy.

"Grab whatever you need, because I'm taking you to a hospital and no is not an answer. Do you hear me?"

Mrs. Thompson left the room and headed to her own, wondering what in the world was up, and something in her gut told her that something was wrong. Very wrong.

Meanwhile, a man watched the computer screen in front of him, showing Sapphire sitting on the bed, crying.

"Don't worry baby. I'm going to fix everything."

He had found a new target.

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