The Sophomore

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So Josh, Anne and Dann were packing their stuff as they were moving to ULMARK it was quite an emotional moment as they didn't know when they will come back again to US but there was no time to be emotional as they had a flight to catch later that day.

Josh had a meeting with all authorities, just before the flight about all the things Josh should accomplish in this brave mission along with the other 22 police officers. Dann was super excited for this mission even though he was not part of this mission. Anne during the flight, holding hands of Josh said,” Josh isn't it happening too fast ?"
Josh replied ," I know Anne and actually I didn't want you all to be a part of it initially but I also don't know till how much time I will be there in ULMARK , and without you and Dann, I won't be able to survive ".(holding hand tightly) .

Day 1 in ULMARK

They reached ULMARK on that day when there was grief all over the country. The country was going through a bad patch Josh could really feel that, when he was walking towards the bus. All the 22 police officers were given different apartments, but they were a little less distant from each other. The apartment of Josh and Family was really small it was on the 2nd floor with the living room consisting of really old-fashioned sofa and a very dusty dining table,it had very small kitchen and only one bedroom and one washroom which was not in typically good condition. It was dark so Josh's family quickly did some cleaning work which was very much needed and also Josh's family had to wake up early on the next day as they had to go to Oran's funeral in the morning because of which they would also get to meet Oran's family.

Josh, Dann and other 22 officers were all suited up in a black suit, Anne was not able to attend the funeral as she had a very severe headache that morning. It was sunny day, and they reached the graveyard and after all the proceedings, Perry Bellister herself walked towards Josh and said," Police commissioner Timber right?”
Josh with a whole lot of respect replied," Yes,mam”
Perry said," If you don't mind, I wanna talk with you about some important things " Josh and Perry went little far away from the crowd. Dann was all alone, he badly wanted to know the various plans which was being discussed by Perry and Josh.

Dann was all alone standing in the corner with hands folded and that's when a soft voice interrupted and said," Anxious , sad or bored ?”
Dann turned around and there was this b girl with red hair whisked eyebrows and a beautiful face, he shockingly replied," Sorry?”
The girl then replied," You don't sound like you are from here "
Dann says," Yeah my Dad actually is a Police officer so basically I have just joined him here.”

The girl then says," Oh, so your dad is Josh Timber?”
Dann replies in a very polite tone,"Yeah and who are you by the way?”
Then the girl with very pleasant smile says," My name Sophie, Sophie Bellister (she draws hand towards Dann to shake hands)
As soon as Dann hears the word Bellister after her name he got little jitters around the body, and he became nervous like hell but before he gets a little out of control Sophie says," Don't freak out it was just that I had none to talk to, and my mum is talking with your dad about some important stuff,so I decided to interact a bit "

Dann stammers and says," Yeah ...great ... But are you so calm after all the things that happened lately "
Sophie replies, " It was a shock when I heard it the first time, I was crying the whole night but then I remembered dad saying that 'Grief should not last longer if something happened for the good ' and my dad was always a fighter, fighting against the greatest criminals day in and day out, so I'm ok now (smiling with a wet eyes) "
Dann then asked Sophie out of chivalry, " Would you like to sit somewhere and talk ?"
Sophie positively replied " Sure!”
They both sat down at an open café nearby.

Dann then asked Sophie," Why and Where are criminals dwelling here, as this city is pretty infamous for not so good activities"
Sophie says," See, the eastern junkyard is the main place where criminals dwell while there quite a few criminals in Porus and Dant too and this city has lot of criminal history. ".
Sophie added," Oh sorry I forgot you are new to the city you might be quite unfamiliar with these city names "
By then a call rings from Josh to Dann,
Dann says to Sophie," So Sophie I have to join my dad he is waiting for me "
Sophie says," Oh, yeah please, it was a pleasure meeting you "
Both shake hands rather very formally and Dann then walks towards Graveyard where his dad was waiting for him. But Suddenly Sophie's voice comes from behind and says," You might need a city tour, I know a lot about this city "(Both smile)

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