I've Finally Figured You Out

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(A/N I was asked to leave a note about this so that's what imma do. Please read. Cyberbullying happens a lot and I've seen it a ton on this app. And it is most definitely not okay. I don't care if you're just 'joking' around those kinds of jokes is what breaks people. Any type of bullying is really not okay. Y'all need to grow up! We're supposed to be supporting each other not bring others down. So if you're being bullied please ask them to stop if they don't report them and if it's a physical thing TELL SOMEONE! If you see bullying going on I beg of you to STAND UP for that person when they aren't able to. Please? You'll get a cookie and make Peter proud :) alright enjoy! Don't be like Flash~!)

Peter only glared silently at the boy who had his arm outstretched holding up his phone. A predicament he found himself in as he made no move for attack.

It'd seem he wasn't as lucky this morning in getting away with no problems with Flash. Quite the opposite actually. It was like every little thing he did just irked the bully even more. So now he was stuck. He stood there helplessly watching as Flash scrolled through Peter's phone teasing him.

Peter could've probably easily taken back his phone but the end scenario would be Flash and him tumbling at it again. And he didn't think he'd hold back this time. All he could tell himself was that it wasn't a big deal. They were just the messages of the group chat. At least it wasn't anything private.

"So what now Parker? Did you get so lonely you started texting pedos?" Flash teased holding the phone away so Peter couldn't grab it but he could look at the screen.

He only scoffed looking away. There wasn't much he could do. The others have yet to wake up and if they did they were probably already in the break room. He'd just have to wait till Flash got bored and gave him back his phone. "You know because of you I got suspended," he snarled, glaring at Peter now. Peter nearly forgot about that.

"Aw c'mon now you think a bunch of strangers care about you? I'm sure any day now they'll block your sorry-" Peter stopped listening. There was no point. There's no need to make himself more anxious about the thought of identities because of Flash. He regretted being on his phone in front of his bully though.

Peter didn't realize he'd completely zoned out until he was roughly shoved against his shoulders. He looked back towards Flash who now had a look of disgust. "Mr. Stalker and his friends have only taken pity on you because who else would want to text such a useless person?" His voice sounded vile to Peter. "Grow up already. If they aren't trying to take advantage of you -which I'm sure you're dumb enough to fall for- they're probably using you as some inside joke."

The words felt hot and heavy to Peter. He blinked in confusion his face scrunched up. He had nothing to give. They'd gain nothing from him. But there's no way the past few months have just been out of pity or some joke to them.

No. Flash was just trying to get in his head. And he wasn't gonna allow that. "You don't-" Peter was caught off with a much louder and cold voice from behind him.

"Listen here."

(*Line Break*)

He shuffled into the empty kitchen stretching as he did so. If it hadn't been for Pepper he probably would've ignored his alarm and slept in just a bit longer. But alas he had a schedule to keep up with.

Tony's actions were sluggish as he moved to grab a mug. His mind was never truly on without his coffee in the morning. So he watched with narrowed eyes as he slowly poured in the dark liquid filling the cup nearly to the rim.

Leaning against the counter he pulled out his phone and with the other hand, he held onto his cup. The warmth and smell emitting from the mug seemed to allow his senses to wake. A good fifteen minutes before he had been texting Flower in the group chat. Dare he say it, it's what kept him in bed. But now there was no answer as the rest of the avengers bickered and spammed.

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