A blissful night

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(A/N miss me~?)

"So when are you gonna talk to Stark?"

There was a small pause as Peter kept his gaze on the computer screen, still hovering over his friends' shoulder while he scrolled.

"I'll talk to him tomorrow," he assured Ned, thinking back to what he was actually going to do with a rather glum look.

He only got a hum back from Ned who leaned back into his chair. He gave Peter a skeptical look but nothing more.

They were both bumping off theories of what was going on attempting to figure it out. They talked about the weird weapons and the lab coat man. Even Peter's power. And it only made him bubble with anxiety. It was stronger than that though. He was scared. Terrified but he didn't show it. How could he? He had to stay strong.

So taking a shaky deep breath he shook it off. He'd figure it out.

(*Line Break*)


The accusation caused laughter all around as Clint slammed his cards to the ground and was giving Natasha a glare.

"You're just a sore loser," she shrugged with a grin. They were currently circled up on the carpeted floor as they played Uno. It took a few rounds for Peter to teach the group the rules and how to go about it but they got there. With them all comfortably sitting in whatever position they were in- sitting up straight, slouching, or laying on the floor- they had been competing on who'd get the most wins.

Currently, it was Steve with the most wins and Bucky right after. Peter and Natasha were next with the most wins and Sam and Clint were tied. And even with the competitive banter it was still nice and filled with laughter.

"Uno," the card was placed gently into the pile and Peter smiled. The group went silent, clearly not having noticed that the teen had only such a few cards left.

"I no longer like this game," Clint huffed, staring at his number of cards.

"I win our bet," Bucky grinned immediately, getting back a glare from Clint and Sam.

"Technically no one won since Steve's the one winning," Bruce clarified with a shrug while Pepper nodded in agreement.

"Mr. Stark you can't put a yellow down we're on green," the teen had to correct Tony who now had a look of frustration.

"But it was just yellow."

"It changed dummy," Clint put down his own card as Tony stubbornly picked one up.

"That's stupid," he huffed even though he didn't have that many cards left. Peter couldn't help but laugh. It was already beginning to get dark out and he hadn't even noticed. He was much too focused on the family in front of him.


The teen was immediately pulled back by Pepper's offended shout. He glanced to see the plus four card on the pile and grinned. Pepper was glaring down at Bucky who now had a guilty look.

"I'm sorry... but it had to be done." It was almost like he couldn't handle her harsh stare. And the other found it hilarious as he bowed his head. "The colors yellow," Bucky added, not looking back towards Pepper.

"Oh, so NOW it's yellow?" Tony scoffed causing another round of laughter.

And the night continued like this. With banter and laughter. Trust and betrayal. It was quite amusing. In the end, Peter managed to have the most wins... he had a hunch it had something to do with Tony's glare at each avenger who's about to call Uno. Not that he was about to complain about his wins. Seeing the winter soldier be so cocky towards Clint and Sam was a story he'd have to tell Ned. No one dared to tease Natasha as she riddled with a small dagger and it was clear everyone held some sort of grudge because 'I should've won that round'.

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