Chapter 8

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"Sir....?" shen wei said waving his hand. "Huh...? yeah...sit down....and have your breakfast....." yunlan said putting his cold face. shen wei nod and sit on the chair.....Yunlan also joined him......but first he let shen wei to eat the food....why..? because it's his first time....yes....he make breakfast for the first time in his he just wanted to know whether it's good or not...from shen wei. He looked at shen wei with puppy eyes......

Shen wei didn't looked at yunlan....he is really hungry...because he didn't eat anything from the night......But when he put one slice of omelette in his mouth he felt like his tongue got paralyzed.....he can't feel his tongue anymore.......shen wei got shocked and stop on the spot .....Yunlan frown and looked at shen wei face..."What...?anything wrong....?" yunlan asked nicely to shen wei...fearing that he might reject his food.......

"Anything wrong....? you are asking me anything wrong......i just lost my tongue here...i couldn't feel or taste anything right now.......oh how i am going to enjoy my favorite ruined my life...." shen wei shout in his head. But at the outside he just gave yunlan a faint smile....he swallowed it without munching the food..."It's great...sir....." shen wei said faking his smile....

yunlan gave him a brightful smile....what....? did yunlan just smile.....oh my poor heart......shen wei eyes widen as he saw yunlan smile. He looks really cute when he smile...and his brown eyes....oh my......shen wei also smiled "i can eat this food lifetime to see his smile......okay.....but sometimes....." shen wei thought and he eat it without any complaints......yunlan saw that shen wei enjoy his food.

So he gave him his food also, thinking that he might be hungry due to last night and he is really thin...he need food and stamina......yunlan thought and silently looked at shen wei. shen wei gulped hard seeing that yunlan gave him his food also. But somehow he felt good and he eat it too....."if you are still hungry...i can make you another...." yunlan asked but his words cut off by shen wei..."NO.!!!!!! i mean i am full....thank you for this disgu....i mean tasty food......." shen wei said covering his mouth......

Yunlan became really happy that his first attempt is successful.....Now he can often try other dishes for shen wei........"okay let me change my clothes first......and you start the car down there....." yunlan said coldly as he stood up went inside the room....yunlan change his clothes.

Today he is feeling really good and happy from inside....he don't know why....but he wanna dance in his joy wanna scream loudly.......but he just put on his cold face  instead and then walked towards shen wei....who is talking on the phone with someone else.

"Yezhun ah.....sorry...i didn't call you........i am sorry.....please....ok.....yeah.....fine...." shen wei said and cut the call when yunlan sit beside him......."Sir your friend isn't coming...?" shen wei asked putting his phone on his pocket. "He is already at the duty......and he is not my friend....he is my partner...." yunlan said putting his seat belt on. "what's the difference......?"shen wei asked while blinking his doer eyes to yunlan....making yunlan breath heavy......

"erhhh....yeah.....just drive....." yunlan said clearing his throat. shen wei start the car, After 10 minutes of silence......" By the way thank you for helping me.......?" shen wei said breaking the silence....." time just don't bother yourself coming with me into the bar....." yunlan said not looking at shen wei. " are the one who dragged me there and gave me that drink......not my fault..." shen wei said. "Oh........but i didn't force you to drink it....did i...?" yunlan asked looking at shen wei......

shen wei gulped hard and concentrate on driving......." and about still haven't received your punishment......" yunlan said putting a lollipop in his mouth...."Pun....punishment......? what.....? please don't deduct my salary...." shen wei said in his  pleading tone. "that silly..." yunlan thought and a chuckle escaped from his mouth......

She wei frown why did he chuckled....oh did he just my......he look damn hotter with this sweet lollipop in his mouth...i wonder how it taste......shen wei thinks and kept silent for a moment. "just drive......" yunlan said as he saw shen wei is trying to speak again.........shen wei pout his mouth when yunlan order him to stay silent.

After some time they finally reached the police station.......Yunlan walked a few steps towards the door and found that his assistant is not with him. He turned back and saw shen wei sitting their.....yunlan walk near him,"what happened.....? come on.......out are not supposed to assist me from here.....get out...." yunlan said while opening the door. "Y....yes....." shen wei said as he grabbed his small bag....and follow yunlan holding his .........i mean the clothes given by yunlan.....

He just walked behind yunlan while grabbing his clothes like a child.....whose clothes are going to fall on the ground at any moment. Yunlan smirked and walked hurriedly inside the building........Daqing and other police officer got shocked not looking at the yunlan but the one who is holding his clothes and walking hurriedly behind him to match his walk.......

Daqing smirked and shoved everyone to there work place.......he then follow shen wei who just entered yunlan office...."hey are you look.....great today..." daqing said gazing upon shen wei clothes....due to running his white milky neck is showing off. Shen wei gulped and cover his neck while pulling up the shirt. yunlan clear his throat as he saw daqing teasing is making shen wei uncomfortable.

"You are going to sit on that table......." yunlan said while pointing at the corner of the table inside his cabin...which is quite big...and he can seen everyone from here. shen wei just nod to him and went to his table and sit there. while daqing and yunlan talked...."so you did it huh....?" daqing asked in his low voice to yunlan. 

"You dumb head.......i didn't....." yunlan said smacking daqing head a little. "oh...then why did he is wearing our clothes huh....?" daqing said. "What the status....?" yunlan asked not responding to daqing teasing. "Yeah....the boy is still shocked and here....(giving an envelop) our victim autopsy report........." daqing said while sitting in front of him.

"As expected....." yunlan said while reading that document. "what happened.....?" daqing said. But yunlan just stood up and sign shen wei to come with him.....and they three go to the meeting room where smith is taking his rest.......But not for longer.

yunlan barged inside making the poor boy shocked and stood up immediately......."how are you.....? smith...? right.....?" yunlan asked as he sit near smith...and sign him to sit back also.....smith sit down and shen wei and daqing stands behind yunlan and looked at yunlan. 

shen wei took out his dairy and pen......."So...smith....can you tell me....what happened last night....?" yunlan asked in his cold voice. "la....last..night...?" smith shutter. "yes....last night...what are doing with Mr. josh.....? and what happened that only HE is dead....?" yunlan asked sending shivers to poor boy.

Shen wei frown and looked at yunlan and then smith......he silently write down whatever yunlan is telling......"I.....i am...." smith again shutter. "speak right now.......or i have my other ways...." yunlan now lose his patience and shout at smith.......

Smith start crying as he heared yunlan strict and loud voice......Shen wei now also trembled as he heared yunlan yelling at the poor boy.....he just can't saw that so he walked towards smith and embrace him from his shoulder and start soothing him......"shhhhh....calm it...." shen wei calmly said to smith and gave him a glass of water.......  

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