Chapter 21

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Shen wei felt his chest is burning......and he felt that ground is tearing apart and he is falling in between the deep hole. He couldn't imagine that Yunlan will be reason of his death.......But for some reason shen wei happy.......he looked at yunlan one last time and smile at him with all his feelings all his love..........And finally he felt that his heart is slowing down and down......and he fell into a dark deep sleep.

Chang and other officers are stay shocked and looked at yunlan who are standing there still pointing his gun towards shen wei in anger. "What....? he can't die like that...." chang thought and he came closer to shen wei to check his pulse. But yes...he is dead.....his body became cold. He is actually gone.

Yunlan superior came closer to him,"Well done chief....." he said and everyone start walking out. Chang also came closer to yunlan......"why did you shot him....?you can easily captured him...." chang asked coldly. "Some people can't be caged......." yunlan said in his sad tone. He just shot his shen wei.....the person whom he loved the most.....and now laying there on the ground cold........

Chang saw the sadness in yunlan he pat his shoulder and leave him alone there while calling someone to remove shen wei body from there.......yunlan fall pretty hard on the ground on his knees. He couldn't control his tears and sobbing.......

"Don't be a drama queen yunlan....he is turn....." daqing said as he heared yunlan sobbing. "I just shot him......i am feeling dead right now....." yunlan shout at daqing in anger. He than walked closer to shen wei body and inject something on his neck and check his pulse...."God...he is breathing normally....." yunlan said.

Chu and his team came inside the building to take the corpse of shen wei........they easily took him and went outside, where daqing and conbo waiting with yezhun. Yunlan sigh as he saw that they easily took away shen wei. He put on his cold face and went back to meet his superior.

"Chief zhao.....whatever happened today is a past did a great job. Now we can easily closed that case. Now Dragon city is criminal free....Thanks to you." his superior said. "Really.....? I helped me...and gave me the opportunity to solved this case...but i still have regret..." yunlan said. 

"What regret...?" chang asked. "I should have listen to him first...i wanted to know that why he did all this......after all he is one of us......." yunlan said gazing upon chang. "Yeah.....he is......but what we can say....." chang said. Yunlan nod to both of them and bid good bye to them. He walked out from that building and drive his car to meet his team.......

"I really wanna see his face when he found out that we just make him fool....." yunlan said to daqing on his phone. "Yeah...right...come here fast." daqing said. On the other side chang frown as he drinking his coffee.......He is thinking about what is just happened. "we should leave his brother now....." one of the superior said to chang. "No.....not now...." chang said coldly.

"But he innocent......." superior said. "Is he....? what if shen wei also trained him huh.....? after all we killed their parents......." chang said. "WE....? you did this....only you and me know that their parents are innocent........But we killed them and you make me join you as well......but you have to leave his brother." superior shout at chang.

Chang grit his teeth and throw his coffee mug hardly on the ground. "Listen to me carefully.....don't make any sound about what we did in the past.......His brother can be dangerous or useful....just shut your mouth......and let me handle everything........" chang said while grabbing his superior collar.

His superior gulped and frown at chang.......Chang left the room in anger and went towards that room where he hide yezhun...........

At random building......."How is he....?" yunlan shout as soon as he barged inside the building looking for shen wei. But before that a loud punch landed on his face making his right eye swollen......Yunlan hiss in pain and looked at the man who punched him......yeah shen wei brother....he is standing there ready to hit again.

"You bastard why did you shot my gege.....? what is wrong with you..huh...that's you called saving.....?" yezhun shout at yunlan. Yunlan gulped,"Yeah..i think...." yunlan said shuttering. Before that yezhun again hit yunlan daqing stop him. "Stop it angry bird.......your brother is safe......." Daqing said while helping yunlan to stand.

"Let me explain you first all..okay....." daqing said while calming yezhun. They tell everything to yezhun about shen wei..........yezhun just got shocked listening to what they are saying. "You an agent.....? But he told me that he left it........" yezhun said in his frustrated voice. "wait what.....? he told you that he left it.....that means you know that he is an special agent........?" daqing asked. 

"yeah.....when we are at college....he told me that he is selected in special department. But i am worried for him.....i don't want to loose him as yes....i told him to leave it.....and next day he told me that he leave that job....but i don't know he is fighting alone with the department.........i couldn't believe that my fragile gege is so strong......." yezhun said.

"And sexy..." yunlan unconsciously said that making daqing popes out his eyes and yezhun gazed upon him...." Do you have any death wish chief....?" yezhun asked gritting his teeth. "No....." yunlan said as he averted his eyes from yezhun. "Gosh his brother is lot scarier than him....he is sweet and gentle and look at him....always try to kill me......" yunlan thought sipping his coffee. 

"So yezhun do you know how your parents die.....?" daqing asked. "Yes...they died in car accident.....why..?" yezhun said with confidence. Daqing and yunlan look at each other. So yezhun didn't know about their parents death. "Can you tell me what they do for living you know....." daqing try to dig more information.

"Hmmmm...actually i don't remember about that......gege told me that i have been in comma for a year....because i was in the car with my parents and got into accident. When i woke up everything is gone....just gege remained besides me.....and in any cost i can't lose him too.......He my only world." yezhun said while looking out at the cold night and dark road. His eyes got moist....but he control himself.

Yunlan looked at yezhun and sigh," don't worry....i will never let him hurt anymore.......i mean me and my whole team......" yunlan said calming yezhun. Yezhun smile and looked at yunlan....."You just stay away from my gege....." yezhun said as he walked away. Daqing pat yunlan shoulder...." You got your first enemy......i guess....he is hard to impress.....what will you do.....?" daqing asked while standing beside yunlan.

"why would i try to impress him.......?" Yunlan said as he also walked away leaving daqing there alone. "we will see chief zhao yunlan......" daqing said as he smile and looked at the weather outside and feel the air on his face and breath heavily........"I hope everything will be fine.........." daqing said to himself.  

He went inside the room where shen wei is being held under doctors observation. They provide everything to them......"when will he is gain conscious......?" yezhun asked to doctor. "Well he need rest for now. His old wound opened up and he also lost so much blood. his body need rest....Maybe he can woke up tomorrow.......take care...." doctor said he come to daqing who are standing far from them. 

"We need these medicines....please arrange it..." doctor said to daqing. Daqing nod and leave them there. " got another job...." daqing said while giving him prescription list. "You are kidding me right....?" Chu said. "No...." daqing said. "I want bonus for all this....." chu said while walking out from that building.......... 

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