Chapter 35

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Shen wei frown and looked at yunlan who is laughing holding his stomach. "so sorry shen wei....hahahaahh......God.....look at your face......" yunlan said while controlling his laugh. "Aiyaa..... shen wei...relax. Nothing happened between us. Relax okay....." yunlan said while calming himself and looking at shen wei shocked face. Shen wei grit his teeth,"You....wait....." shen wei shout as he pushed yunlan on the bed and sit on top of his body, he hit yunlan chest and throw pillow on his face.

"I felt really you have any idea...." shen wei shout while hitting yunlan. Yunlan laughed and suddenly he grab shen wei both hands and stop him moving.......Yunlan looked at shen wei face very seductively. In one move he pull shen wei body under him. At that moment shen wei realized that what he has done.

He is fully naked under bathrobe and his sexy legs are exposed to yunlan hungry eyes. Yunlan kneeled upon shen wei body while holding his hand tightly. "yunlan....leave my hands....what are you doing...?" she wei asked looking at yunlan who is getting closer and closer to his face. That he can feel the warmth breath of yunlan upon his face.

"what i should have done before......" yunlan whispered to shen wei and gently licked his lips. Shen wei heart start beating rapidly...."yunlan......." shen wei try to escaped from yunlan dangerous hold. But yunlan just smirked and kissed shen wei lips and then break it hurriedly. He looked at confused shen wei. "God you are so tempting....." yunlan said as he con't control himself to stay away from shen wei.

He again placed his lips upon shen wei and kissed him, when shen wei stop escaping from yunlan hold, yunlan gently placed his one hand on shen wei thigh and start moving his finger upon his milky smooth legs, sending shivers to the man under him.

Shen wei tighten his hold when yunlan moved his finger gently upon his exposed legs......A sweet moan escaped from shen wei mouth in between their wet kissing.........Yunlan smirk when he saw shen wei closing his eyes and digging his nails upon his shoulder..........He moved his hand a little further upon shen wei thigh.........

Shen tighten his legs around yunlan waist, He just lost in the world where yunlan is taking him right now. Yunlan bite shen wei chin gently and earn a loud moan from shen wei mouth....they were lost in his each embrace.....

But yunlan fate really hate him, His phone ring, Yunlan wanted to put his phone on fire but he don't wanna break this moment at any cost. Yunlan devoured shen wei lips while holding his hands tightly because shen wei is now try to remove his body from yunlan hand. Yunlan entered his mouth forcefully making him lost again in his kissing.

But's not your day yunlan.....His phone ring again and this time shen wei pushed yunlan away from his body and immediately run inside the washroom. Yunlan breath heavily and got anger.....

He took his phone," Don't you have any other work to do yezhun....?" yunlan burst his frustration upon yezhun. "hey you....keep your voice down okay.......tell me where is gege.....?" yezhun shout at yunlan. " That brat always spoiling my moment...." yunlan thought. 

"Your brother have married me and is very happy with me....." yunlan said in frustration. As shen wei came out from the washroom and snatched phone from yunlan," didi...i am here....actually someone attack me....yeah...i am okay......i will be there in half an hour ok....." shen wei said and end the call.

"what is this yunlan.....? why you two always fight.....?" shen wei said in his cold voice. "it's your didi fault.....he have spoiled our moment....." yunlan whined. Shen wei looked at yunlan," yunlan....just stop doing all of this will you....?" shen wei said while straightening his clothes which he just changed.

Yunlan scratches his head feeling the other one anger right now. "I am sorry....." yunlan whispered near shen wei ear, Shen wei broke the embrace of yunlan and walked away a little," yunlan within a week you are getting married......please stop doing all this......" shen wei said in his sad tone. 

Yunlan sigh ,"I am not getting your point shen wei...... one side you said that i should marry that girl and other side your body want every touch and warmth of me. I can feel that shen wei.....a moment ago you are enjoying with me....and now you are acting like that.........shen are the one, making things hard for me........." yunlan said as he button up his shirt and leave immediately leaving behind shen wei.

Shen wei frown and looked at yunlan....yes it's indeed true. Everything is messing around them right now.......shen wei mind totally understood that he should marry to a girl but his heart and body didn't want to loose the touch and warmth of yunlan.....shen wei wipe his eyes which is teary right now. and he walked out.

Yunlan waiting for shen wei standing next to his car crossing his arms and looking down thinking something in his mad. shen wei sigh and walked passed to yunlan. Yunlan frown when he saw shen wei walked passed him.

Yunlan hurriedly run towards shen wei......"shen wei.....stop.....where are you going....?" yunlan asked while matching his steps with shen wei. Shen wei didn't utter a word and just continuing walking silently. Yunlan bite his lips and walked with shen wei.......

"okay..i am sorry.....please say something shen wei.......i can't tolerate your silent treatment please...." yunlan said regretting what he said to shen wei at his house. Shen wei sigh and stop walking......"yunlan......" shen wei said very sadly. Yunlan also stop and turned back to see shen wei.......

"Let's end this....." shen wei said and that exact moment rain start pouring upon them heavily. Yunlan couldn't believe what he just heared. He felt the ground under him is suddenly pulled by someone and he is falling and falling........."shen wei.......look...i" shen wei raised his palm and stop yunlan to say anything........

"There is no name of our relationship......please yunlan.....just move on with her......don't come closer to me.....please.....and don't follow me......" shen wei said as his voice starting to crack up due to crying.....but luckily rain drops mix with his tears. He walked away from yunlan......and not looking back at him at all........

Yunlan just silently saw his life is walking away from him.....without looking at him. "what wrong i did to you shen wei...." yunlan mumbled to himself. He felt his knees getting weaker. He kneeled down under the heavy rain unable to move at all..........Yunlan cry his lungs out....."why are you doing this......?" yunlan asked looking up in the sky. "Okay.......shen you want....." yunlan said and walked back to his house....he felt like his soul is no longer in his's being carried away by someone.......yunlan throw his body upon his bed and snuggle to that pillow which have shen wei scent.......

He smelled it and again cry........A moment ago they were loving and embracing each other dearly.....and now everything is gone........Yunlan fall sleep while crying and cursing himself.........

On the other side shen wei entered his house.....totally wet due to rain....."oh are totally soaked change your clothes...i will make soup for you...." yezhun said giving shen wei his clothes and a towel. Shen wei didn't looked at yezhun as he slowly grabbed his clothes and walked slowly to bathroom.

Yezhun frown, "what happen to him now....?" yezhun asked to himself as he can clearly see that his brother is not well.....  yezhun prepare a hot soup for shen wei to warm up his body and talk something with him.......

Shen wei changed his clothes and st next to yezhun, he silently took the bowel but didn't eat at all......yezhun looked at his brother action," gege....? what happen...?" yezhun asked. "Nothing didi......" shen wei said not looking at him.

"But you look a little off......" yezhun again try to talk with his brother. "I SAID IT"S NOTHING......" shen wei shout at yezhun in his mad. He put back that bowel in anger almost breaking it and went back to his room. Poor yezhun felt like he is about to have an heart attack right now. His gege never shout at him like that.

Yezhun gulped hard but he didn't follow shen wei right now fearing that he might get hit by shen wei right now, so he just stay in the lobby and after sometime fall sleep on the couch watching T.V show............   

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