OT7: Bus Sick

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OT7 Focus


The boys are currently heading to Nami Island to shoot one episode for the upcoming winter package. It is actually quite a long way from Seoul to their destination. All of them are playing their phones not to mention airpods being plugged into their ears (galaxy buds for Yoongi). They look forward to play snow in Nami Island since they can play snow there and it's peaceful.

Oh, lemme spill some tea about them. 4 out of 7 are them have bus sick aka they tend to vomit when they ride buses or even cars. The 4 boys are Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung. Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook don't have this 'bus sick' matter so they have prepared themselves to take care of them if they really did puke.

The 4 boys who have bus sick sat in the front and the remaining sat behind them because they're a priority- you know.

Jimin's head was pounding. It feels like the world is spinning 360° non stop. Little did he know, the others are getting a little dizzy as well since they were playing their phones and the shakiness of the bus while moving.

Hoseok was the first one to give up playing his phone and took a nap. Let's just say it didn't work. Jimin saw what Hoseok did and followed him. He eventually fell asleep. Namjoon didn't even try to sleep or take a break from his phone. He was to immersed on reading the latest political news. Taehyung on the other hand- he was trying so hard not to vomit.

Jin saw this since he was diagonally behind Taehyung. He jolted from his seat and grab his bag from the compartment that was located up high, shoved his hand to find some plastic bags and handed them to Taehyung.

"Taehyung-ah, here, if you can't hold it anymore- and tell me when you're done." said Jin as he handed the plastic bag to Taehyung. Taehyung didn't use it yet. He is still keeping it down.

30 minutes had past and Taehyung surprisingly hadn't puked. Jin checked on him and saw that he was sleeping while still clutching on the plastic bag with his right hand. He chekced on Namjoon and saw that he frowned while his eyes are closed. He thought that Namjoon is in pain right now (he is).

"Namjoon, if you want to puke, go on, it's okay."

"Later hyung, I'll hold it first."

"Don't force it too much though."

"Yes hyung."

Jin sat down again and read the magazine that was placed beside the seat's pocket.

5 minutes later, Namjoon couldn't handle it anymore. He screamed for Jin and Jin finally jolted from his seat and immediately know what was happening. He passed a plastic bag to Namjoon and he let it all out.

Hoseok woke up from his nap and unexpectedly saw Namjoon vomiting. He felt like vomiting right now since he saw someone vomiting. He made that 'uekk' sound to give Jin- who was still assisting Namjoon- a sign that he really needed to puke. Jin yelled a help from Jungkook since Yoongi was sleeping.

"YAH JUNGKOOK HELP ME HOBI IS GOING TO PUKE ANY SECOND- GET HIM A PLASTIC BAG AND ASSIST HIM !" yelled Jin as Jungkook immediately searched for a plastic bag and Hoseok finally let it all out.

At this state, Hoseok and Namjoon are very weak. They felt like they only have 20% of energy left and it's only compatible for hearing, seeing and feeling.

"Now, you two go back to sleep so you can recover faster." said Jin as he was washing his hands. Why is there a sink in the bus ? We been knew the boys are rich so rich bangtan equals to a high class bus.


"Guys, I'm sorry but there's a traffic. We will take a shorter path and the path is a little more bumpy. I know some of you have bus sick so please sleep from now on." said the driver as he told the boys. The 4 of then obeyed and tried to sleep.

Taehyung woke up because he wanted a drink. This time, Yoongi was awake. Jin was sleeping and Jungkook was playing his phone, still.

"Yoongi hyung, can i have a bottle of water ?"

"Here you go, don't drink to much though."

"Yes hyung."

Yoongi then handed him a bottle of water. Taehyung took 2 gulps of the water and tempted to go back to sleep again but he couldn't. While he was trying to sleep the bus took a very sharp turn that caused everyone (who's awake) to be shocked.

"Woah that was-"


Jungkook's sentence was cut with Taehyung pleading for a plastic bag. Yoongi reached for one and assist him while he was puking. Taehyung cried because he felt embarrassed as well as the aftermath. It made him dizzy to death. Yoongi gave him some pain killers and that solved the problem, well, that is for now.


They arrived at a place but it wasn't Nami Island. It looked more like a rest area. It has been only a 2 hour ride and 3 out of 4 of them had puked.

"Taehyung puked before so let's just wait for Jimin but let's be careful and be prepared for the others as well since they might puked twice or even more." said Yoongi as Jin was awake not long after the bus stopped.

"Let's eat ?"

"Yeah let's eat hyung."

"Okay wake them up."

Yoongi woke Jungkook up and told him to wake Hoseok up. The 3 of them woke the rest up.

"Okay guys me and Jungkook are gonna buy some food and we will eat it in the bus, you guys have Jin hyung here so if something happens call him, okay ?" said Yoongi while the others reply with a hum.


They have finished eating and they were now back on the road. Everybody was sleeping except Jimin. He was the only one who hadn't puked yet and despite him eating more than usual made him feel sick. He was at the urge of puking right now. Nobody was awake. He cried, muffling small sobs loud enough for Jungkook to hear him.

"Hyung, what's wrong ?"

"W-want to p-puke."

Jungkook immediately woke Jin up and told what was happening. Jin grabbed a plastic bag and assisted him. Jimin finally let it all out. Jungkook was comforting Jimin until he stopped crying. Jin noticed that his puke was on Taehyung's jacket. He immediately took it off without Taehyung realizing.


They finally reached Nami Island. They are all okay for now. Hoseok is still dizzy though but it's bearable. They can smile and laugh again. Let's just hope that the journey back is fine.

(A/N: this is based on a true story. my school had a field trip out of town. we were stuck on the bus for 3 hours more or less since there's traffic. throughout the year of the "duration of time in the bus" history, our longest time in the bus is 2 hours. so we technically broke the record. my friends who already have bus sick usually pukes once or twice but this time it was twice or thrice. my friends who don't have bus sick puked once or twice. it was very hectic but the teachers managed to assist approximately 28 students when they were puking lol)

(A/N: and sorry if i mix up some grammar; mainly present and past simple hjbzjsbs. i wasn't really paying attention)

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