OT7 x Jungkook: Stomach Flu sucks (Req)

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Jungkook's Focus


The first month of their break has ended. They have two month break for the first time forever.

But when you're an Idol, your company has the rights to control you.

Bang PD gave them free activity for the first month. They were given opportunities to meet their families and close friends. They were also given opportunities to travel around by themselves not as BTS but their second month wasn't really a free activity.

Yes, Big Hit had booked a flight for the boys to New Zealand. They are shooting their 4th season of Bon Voyage there. Even though they're doing work, they consider it as a break (which is intended for).

They are currently having a company dinner to discuss what they are gonna do there. Of course, everybody gets a chance to oppose an idea.

"Bungee jumping !"

"I want to go horseback riding !"

"I want to go on that car thingy- you know, the ones that goes down with gravity-"

"Okay. Okay. Boys. You can do whatever you like. Eat whatever you like. Just enjoy this trip. Don't think this as a job or work. Think this as a vacation." said Bang PD as he laughed hearing the boys' ideas.

"Yes Bang PD-nim." said Namjoon as he smiled.

"We will never let you down !" said all of the boys in unison and bowed.


"What did I eat ?" Jungkook said as he placed his hand on his stomach. He groaned at process.

It's a week before the day they left for New Zealand. Their Manager confirmed that they will not go or they will not go with Jungkook because of his condition. Everyone is sad because of it but they don't blame Jungkook for it.

"Fuck." Jungkook can only curse in pain.

"Hey, sit up." said Jimin patting Jungkook's shoulders from behind.

"It hurts. It makes me feel nauseous. I don't want to throw up."

"You can't avoid it dummy."

"Yes I can- ugh." Jungkook groaned in pain again.

At the same time, Yoongi and Jin had came back form their grocery shopping.

"Feeling any better, Kook ?" asked Yoongi as he filled his water bottle.

"More like feeling worst than ever."

"Aish, Yoongi, let the boy rest." said Jin as he handed Jungkook some porridge.

"Eat up. Even though it's hard for you to digest, at least some food is consumed."

"Seriously Jin hyung ?" Jimin and Yoongi looked at Jin in a blank face.

"What ?"

"You literally just told Jungkook to rest."

"Huh ? Oh. Well he needs to eat too."

"Noooo." said Jungkook as he whine. He likes to be a little when he's sick.

"Oh, I think Jungkook will be a little tomorrow." Yoongi whispered to Jimin

"I can already imagine it."


Jungkook woke up with a really bad stomachache and that's when he broke.

"Hyunggg." said Jungkook in a little voice.

Jungkook sniffed and tried one more time. This time louder.

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