Yoongi: Scratched by a (Pussy) Cat

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Yoongi's Focus


The boys are getting ready to visit Jimin's music video site since the boy is currently filming his solo music video, Serendipity. Jimin is already there since yesterday.

Yoongi was actually planning on going alone but the boys eavesdropped his and their Manager's conversation. Alas, they went together. Yoongi can't argue about it (sadly) since he was already done with Jin. They had an argument about camels and horses in the morning, precisely 4 AM.

It's currently 11 AM. They were planning to go at 10 AM but one of the car's tire broke so the staff decided to get that fixed first before the boys can occupy it. Safety is a priority, guys. They decided to play UNO as they wait. BTS UNO.

"HA ! TAKE THAT !" Jungkook shouted as he placed another red card.

"JUNGKOOK FOR FUCK'S SAKE STOP SHOUTING !" Yoongi shouted this time.

"LANGUAGE !" shouted Jin as he sent Yoongi a death glare. Yoongi can only scoff.

"When is it gonna arrive ? Chim had spammed me with tons of messages and he's begging us to come as soon as possible." All eyes diverted to Taehyung.

"Yeah, when is it gonna come ?" said Jungkook emphasizing the "is it".

"Imma call Manager-nim. Don't ya dare continue without me." Namjoon exited the scene as he dialled their Manager's number.

Hoseok sighed as he checked his phone. Jungkook stood up to get last minute snacks.

"Kook, one fruit bar, please !" yelled Taehyung from the living room.

"Me too !"

"Me three-"

"Just bring 6 fruit bars to the living room !" yelled Jin as he secretly took Yoongi's card from the coffee table and flipped it all at once.

"HEY !"

"YOONGI HAS NO MORE BLUE CARDS LEFT !" yelled Jin as he waved Yoongi's card on the air.


"OKAY YOONGI HYUNG TAKE THAT !" said Taehyung as he placed a blue card.

"MY TURN !" yelled Hoseok as he placed another blue card.

"Wait what ?" Jungkook came back with 5 fruit bars as he ate his at the kitchen with his banana milk.

"KOOK ! YOONGI HYUNG HAS NO MORE BLUE CARDS ! PLACE THEM NOW SO HE LOSES !" yelled Taehyung as he dragged Jungkook to sit down, not forgetting to snatch a fruitbar as he proceeds.

"NO ! JIN HYUNG, YOU FUCKING CHEATED !" yelled Yoongi as he pointed at Jin straight in the face.


"I said to not resume the game until I come back." said Namjoon in a pissed tone.



The others can only point at Jin. Jin gave up and promised to make Japchae for dinner for being disobedient. Everybody agreed and carried on.

"Oh, you guys are here !" said Jimin in excitement.

The members greet Jimin and gave him his take out food that the rest had ordered.

"I heard that you're shooting with a cat ?" asked Taehyung as he looked around the site.

"Oh, yeah. I'm not filming that scene yet." replied Jimin as he munch on them chips.

"Jimin- oh hello, you guys are here too." The director came in the waiting room and greeted the boys and the boys did the same.

"Okay so Jimin, after this is the scene with the cat. Now, we want the cat to be comfortable with the atmosphere and you too so we will give you 10 minutes to play around with the cat. Think it as if it's your first encounter with him."

"Deep." Yoongi stated that resulted everyone in that waiting room to chuckle.

"Aight, Juhyuk-ssi, please bring the cat in." The director signalled someone to bring the cat in.

Instead of the cat being carried inside, the cat entered the room by himself and sprinted towards the boys. Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok was surprised at his actions.

"Hey, hey, slow down there little guy." said Jimin stopping the cat by patting him gently. The cat became soft and Jimin carefully lift him up and placed him on his lap.

𝘽𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 (𝙃𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat