Jimin's Appendicitis

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Jimin's Focus


It's currently 3:04 AM and Jimin is clutching on to his stomach. He felt like his stomach is going to explode any second from now. He tried to go to the bathroom and do his business but it didn't work. Nothing came out. He was so stressed but yet in pain at the same time. He thought that it wasn't a food poisoning since he doesn't feel like throwing up right now.

An hour had passed and Jimin is slowly drifting off to sleep, despite the exhaustion and stress that overtook his energy.

It's currently 7:32 AM in the morning. He woke up feeling more pain. He couldn't get up. He is really on the edge of pain right now and he slipped.

He slipped into his little space.

Jimin is usually 7 in his little space but if he's needy, it will go down to 5.

"HYUNGIE, JIN HYUNG !" Jimin screamed for Jin's presence. He is clutching on to his stomach right now.

"JIN HYUNG MINNIE NEEDS YOUR HELP- PLEASE !" Jimin is literally begging while sobbing for Jin's presence.

Instead Jin coming in, Namjoon came in with concerns.

"Hey Minnie, does your stomach hurt ?" Asked Namjoon. He saw Jimin clutching on to his stomach so he must be in pain there.

"H-help h-hyungie, minnie is-s hu-urt" Jimin is clearly out of energy. He is really in pain. Namjoon panicked and searched for Yoongi. Yoongi had digestive problems before so he might know what's happening.


"Okay Minnie, Yoon Yoon is here. Tell me what you feel since the very first time you had this feeling okay ?"

"I- i woke up a-at 3-, m-my stomach t-then hurt, i w-woke up this morn-ning and it bec-came wors-st" He is stuttering because he is crying really bad. Yoongi pity him to be honest. Jimin didn't do anything wrong, he ate well and exercised well, right ?

"Okay Minnie do you feel nauseous at some time ?"

"No- ARGH !" Jimin screamed in pain and cry harder. This made Namjoon and Yoongi panicked more. The other members heard the commotion so they entered Jimin's room immediately. They are not speaking or asking his condition since they can clearly see his condition. Hurt, exhausted, vulnerable, etc.

"Jimin, does it hurt on the left side or on the right side ?"

"R-right- HYUNG IT HURTS !" Jimin kept on crying until Taehyung was going to hug him but was stopped by Yoongi.

"Hoseok, get the car. Jin hyung be ready to drive. Maknaes bring Jimin's phone, vitamins, food- just his stuff mainly. Namjoon call the hospital that an idol is coming. I believe his appendicitis has bursted." When Yoongi finished his sentence with a horrifying ending, all the members quickly move and got everything ready.

Yoongi picked Jimin up, who is still in pain and brought him to the car. In less than 5 minutes they're ready. It's really hectic. Some of them are still on their pajamas. Some of them didn't comb their hair. Some of them didn't even get a chance to wear shoes or at least slippers ! But that's not important. What important is they need to get Jimin there fast before there's infection or something bad happens.

"GOGOGO NOW !" Taehyung screamed as Jin drove really fast. He would probably get a warning for passing the speed limit but he doesn't care.

"Minnie, you're gonna be okay. Your hyungs, Tae and Jungkook are here." Yoongi comfoted him from crying but of course, it didn't work.

Well, it was worth of trying.


They have arrived at the hospital. Jin threw the car keys to Hoseok and went out from the car. Yoongi went out, still carrying Jimin and Jin followed. The rest have their own different job. Jungkook and Taehyung needed to carry Jimin's stuff since they are positive that they will be spending a night or two there. Hoseok turned the engine off since Jin was occupied. Namjoon called their Manager to tell that Jimin is injured and he might not do any physical activities for a moment. Slowly, they all went in, one by one.

𝘽𝙏𝙎 𝙎𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙛𝙞𝙘𝙨 (𝙃𝙞𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙨)Where stories live. Discover now