Just Something That Happened Along The Way

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Now at the library I scrounge for books and websites on mid evil times. I learn about the torture devices, the diseases, the battles, and a whole bunch of random facts and information. For example, did you know that animals in mid evil England can be tried for doing crimes just like people can today? Mice got put on trial for stealing small bits of food. Mid evil times is truly an odd time for the world.
I stay at the library until they kick me out at closing time. I am hungry and out of money. This is normal for me and I can pick pocket someone but if I get caught the last thing I need is to call any attention to myself. I think a second weighing my options and imagining the consequences of both those options. Then I figure that in the current position of my life I have to worry more about my actual life then my health. I know I need food to live but I think I would rather die of starvation than in the hands of my enemies. Ill find another way to make money. I always do.
I decided to settle down for the night and sleep my troubles away even though it's impossible. I find a short lonely ally that leads to a wall from the street. I check for booby traps and it seemed safe but I can never trust an ally with no surprises because the consequences can become deadly on an alleyway this perfect. I then decided to check the other side of this wall. Feeling for griping between two walls I shuffled up the side and sat on the edge and looked down to see...... The last people I want to see when I'm this tired. I stay as still as possible not making a sound and I jumped down to the side I just came up.
"Oooof" I hit the ground on my stomach. I don't think they saw me but I think they heard me.
"What was that? Or who?" I heard someone from the other side call out.
"Probably just a cat or something." said another.
"No the sound sounded to human like."
I run and I'm sure they heard the sound of my running feet, so I don't plan on stopping. I made my way over the hill and thinking they followed me I ran straight to a more populated area stop and look back. They weren't there or following. Maybe I lost them or they didn't see me. But I spoke to soon because next thing I know something touched the back of my head, from experience I knew it was a barrel of a gun.
"Walk to the bridge Carlos and you might live."
Oh good he used my fake name. That means I'm actually successful at lying. I walk slowly towards the bridge knowing of the extra passenger following me with a gun trailed at my head. Suddenly I trip and hit the ground hard on the pavement giving myself a bloodied nose. On purpose. People rushed over to me and helped me up and asked if I was alright and such. I didn't let anyone touch my nose and said I was fine and thank you to everyone who came by. And I knew that just as much as me the gunman didn't want any attention either so he slipped away quietly. But something tells me that that's not the last I'm going to see of that guy.
I stay longer in the populated area and grab a bite to eat. The guy who helped me up had a fair amount of cash in his wallet and I was able to enjoy a feast from the dollar menu at McDonalds. I had two cheeseburgers, two chicken sandwiches, two orders of fries and a large milkshake and water. I also grabbed a couple of burgers and a large fry for my homeless buddy Mika. I would normally get burgers with cheese but Mika's lactose intolerant. I ran to the park and made it in before I closed. Getting in my usual hiding spot clutching my food, and waiting for the guard to do his nightly check. And when I thought it was dark enough I emerged and walked over to Mika's hiding spot. I dropped the food on his box step and a hand came out and grabbed it faster then a speeding bullet.
"Enjoy," I said.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it," I reply.
I hear chomping on food and walk away. I climbed the tree back to my hiding spot and settled down for the night.

Titus FalconerWhere stories live. Discover now