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Okay, I'm putting this Author's Note at the top instead of the bottom for a reason. I know I said I'd never post another story on this site, so I'm making a bit of a liar of myself–but I've a reason for it. This story's a kinda prequel/sequel deal to Chance Meeting and Good Love, for those of y'all who've read those two. It's set between the Births of Bobby's and Aerin's twins and their sixth birthday, which was at the tail-End of Good Love.

        That being said, it just doesn't feel right to post it on the other site I've posted those two stories on, but not here, as well. That's the only reason I'm breaking my oath, of sorts, not to post on this site anymore. Beyond this, though, I can't guarantee that I'll break that oath again in the Future, although the chances're highly unlikely.

        And by the way, check out the story Chance of a Lifetime by my buddy's supposed to be a companion piece for my other two aforementioned stories, and I Intend to draw off of it as much as I can as it's updated with this one for some parts. But without further ado, let's dive into the Insanity that is Poison Rose, y'all!


Nashville, Tennessee

        March, 2024

So much'd Changed since the Summer of 2020, and Poison bassist Bobby Dall wasn't the only one whose Life'd Changed drastically. He'd admit that sure, his Life'd experienced far more Changes since then than he'd have ever thought to plan for–and they were nearly all of the best kind–but the Life of his beautiful wife'd prolly gone through far more Change than his own.

        After running away from her home State, 'cuz it seemed that nothing she tried could help her Life get on the track she wanted, Aerin Crosswhite-Dall found more than she coulda ever imagined possible. Hardly anyone she told–whether 'cuz she was asked or simply 'cuz she wanted to–could believe it'd all started with quite literally running into someone at a Starbucks. Fewer still could believe that that someone'd been none other than former Black Veil Brides bassist, Ashley Purdy, but that was a trivial matter. What mattered to her now was that she'd far more supportive people in her Life than she ever had before, even her stepkids who were her age.

        In fact, it was those stepkids–Zak and Zoe–who'd essentially abducted the couple's twin toddlers and told them to go enjoy their anniversary tonight. Not only was it the anniversary of their handfasting, but that of their legal marriage, as well–which was something they hadn't originally planned on. The young woman'd vehemently vetoed legally marrying her man, 'cuz she swore up and down that she didn't wanna be tied down like that, if she could help it.

        While it'd taken some fancy footwork on his part, Bobby'd finally managed to talk her into legally marrying him exactly one Year ago. Their wedding was on the first anniversary of their handfasting, which gave them all the more reason to celebrate right now. In fact, that was why he fully Intended to surprise his wife with something she wouldn't expect any more than she'd expected to conceive. And conceiving their twins, Zep and Zeph, was a big enough surprise for both of them after the recovery he'd gone through from a major surgery in the Autumn of 2021. That was precisely why he'd decided to go big or go home, as it were, with his wedding present–and he knew it was gonna knock his wife's socks off.

        "Ya know–as much as I love Zep and Zeph, it's niceta get away sometimes," Aerin said with a giggle.

        "I know whatcha mean, my lil Shadow Kitten," he agreed, chuckling as he gently squeezed her hand. "I'd definitely forgotten how it feelsta have at least one drool-box running around."

Poison Rose (Sequel to "Good Love")Where stories live. Discover now