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"So, ya really met Aerin completely by chance?"

        It'd been less than an hour since the healthy, non-mangled trio of Black Veil Brides'd hauled their front man off to the closest ER and just dumped him outside. He was just outta it enough from the beating he'd taken that he wouldn't really be able to tell the staff what'd happened to him, so they were likely to think he'd gotten mugged. As it was, they weren't entirely sure he wouldn't suffer some serious amnesia as he recovered, and therefore ever be able to recall the Truth. Even still, the Dalls'd already Destroyed the security footage leading up to the beating, and had even paid off their neighborsta do the same.

        "Yeah, I met her completely by chance," Ash chuckled in responseta Jinxx's question. "I honestly thought she was gonna gut me or something for the first five minutes after we met."

        "Sounds like my wife," Bobby laughed as he snuggled the woman in question, their boogers in their laps as much as the youngest bassist's booger was in his. "She's a feisty lil thing when she feels like it, but that's one of the many reasons I love her."

        "Anch'io ti amo molto, mio Argento Volpe," said woman all but hummed as she tilted her head back for a kiss.

        "I think I caught something about Love, but not much else," the brunette drummer chuckled. "'Cuz I'm not entirely sure that was Spanish."

        "'Cuz it wasn't," she laughed. "It was Italian, although I love you is said the same way in both languages."

        "Wait, ya know Italian?" the brunette CC–whom they were calling Chris in order to differentiate–asked, looking surprised.

        "Abbastanza fluentemente a rendere entrambi le tue teste roteare," Aerin answered with a snicker.

        "Okay, I don't have a friggin' clue whatcha just said, but I think ya proved yourself well enough!" he cackled.

        "I said, Fluently enough to make both your heads spin," the young woman translated, grinning.

        "That's gotta get confusing sometimes," Jake chuckled.

        "No more than when Bobby and Ash start yammering in Cherokee, then won't fill me in 'cuz they're trying to pull off some crazy surprise," Aerin retorted, gently elbowing her husband as she did.

        "Spousal abuse!" he howled, grinning since he knew what was coming.

        "I'ma show ya what spousal abuse is, if ya keep it up, ya ol' man," the young woman laughed.

        "Don't forget what ol' man rocks ya till the Mornin' Light like he's twenty-five again, sweetheart," Bobby reminded her.

        Nobody in the room could help cracking up at their banter, although Chris certainly couldn't help asking his former bassist how on Earth he put up with it. Ash somehow managed to Calm down enough to answer him, saying that they could actually get worse than that–and that they'd best not push any buttons, 'cuz it wasn't a matter of if, but when with those two. Course, with it being their house, they could do whatever they wanted to–they only behaved themselves and wore clothes for everybody else's Sanity.

        After everybody'd managed to Calm down, the youngest bassist actually got into recounting the tale of how he'd met his now best friend. Even Duff'd to agree that it was certainly one of the stupidest ways one could meet someone, but it'd set into motion a lotta good things for not just him. Considering even he wouldn't have met this young woman, if it weren't for that chance meeting in 2019, he considered it a good thing, for sure.

Poison Rose (Sequel to "Good Love")Where stories live. Discover now