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Back in the main house, Aerin wasn't the slightest bit surprised that the youngest bassist'd stripped again almost as soon as he'd walked in the door. Part of his typical after care was nekkid cuddles while wrapped up in his favorite fuzzy blanket, but she was the only one he'd cuddle with after a scene. The fact that he'd wanted her just as nekkid wasn't the slightest bit disturbing to her, although her husband was certainly a bit perturbed by it. Bobby wasn't quite sure what to make of that since she'd never cuddled with anyone but him like that while they were together that he was aware of.

        Even as she got them settled on the couch so that they were both nekkid and wrapped up in that massive, King-size blanket, the young woman laughed at the look on her husband's face. It took her a few momentsta Calm down enough to talk as Ash buried his face in her bare cleavage much like Zep did when he snuggled with her while she was wearing a tank top.

        The purpose of cuddling like this right now wasn't the same as after a sexual escapade with the oldest bassist by any means. No, at the moment, his younger equivalent needed some serious Grounding with as few barriers as possible, and that even included clothing. His burying his face in her cleavage like he did wasn't meant to be intimate, either, since he wasn't interested in her like that and vice versa. That action was more akin to like when their son did it while he was fighting sleep before he ultimately gave in and passed out against her for the Night. Ash was looking for Comfort and Security the same way a young child would, even though he wasn't what one'd call regressed, nor trying to start anything sexual.

        As he thought about it like that, the Silver Fox couldn't say that that reasoning didn't make a lick of senseta him, 'cuz it damn well did. Even Duff chuckled as he admitted to having seen plenty of subs do that before, and even had a few who wanted that kinda thing from him after a scene when he was still active in the Lifestyle. Not every sub did that, though, 'cuz not every sub needed the same kinda after care–some just wanted to be left alone to wrap up in their favorite blanket and come down from their high on their own.

        "Ash and I are the type that we need these nekkid cuddlesta get our heads on straight again, though," Aerin told them. "Trust me when I say we're like a basket case gone off our meds, if we don't get 'em, me in particular."

        "Damn, really?" the blonde bassist asked curiously, watching as she rubbed his bare back under that blanket.

        "Found out the hard way one Time long before I met Ash," she answered, nodding. "That's why I was dubious as hell about playing with even him once we met and found out that we were both into kink."

        "Yikes, that had to've sucked," Duff winced.

        "Made my pre-existing Trust issues even worse," the young woman told him. "Which bled over into even a vanilla Life."

        "Oh, no doubt about it," he agreed, nodding. "I've seen the same thing happen to other subs, too."

        "So, that's why ya acted like ya didn't trust me at first," Bobby mused, a thoughtful look on his face.

        "Exactly." His wife nodded again, herself. "It wasn't 'cuz I thoughtcha were an inherently untrustworthy person, but 'cuz I've had my Trust broken by folks I thought I could Trust before–and in ways they never shoulda broken it. Being an Air Witch on top of it doesn't help that."

        "Whaddaya mean by that?" the blonde bassist asked curiously.

        "Well, Air Witches're known for being highly Creative, awesome cheerleaders for those they care about, protective as all fuck, etc.," Aerin started. "But they're also known for being claustrophobic a lotta Times–which ain't really the case with me unless we're talking about flying somewhere, or getting trapped with no way out–and turning their backs on someone without a second Thought, if their Trust's broken by that person."

Poison Rose (Sequel to "Good Love")Where stories live. Discover now