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A week after winding up hospitalized for more surgery, Bobby'd been released for five Days and back home in Nashville for four. He'd decided to spend a Day at the hotel his family'd congregated at to get some real rest, considering that he pretty much never got any sleep in a hospital. If it wasn't nurses coming in to do their rounds, it was someone being paged over the PA system that usually kept him awake. There might not be anything he could do about those two things, but that didn't mean he'd to put his body through the stress of driving home without getting any decent rest first.

        Duff'd stayed not just the Day after his surgery, but till the Morn after that, as well, considering he didn't have to be in Tampa till the fifteenth. That wasn't much of a surpriseta him, 'cuz his band had performed every two-to-four Days ever since this leg of their tour kicked off on Independence Day. But he'd sworn he'd be visiting them at their Nashville home pretty soon, given that said tour Ended on the twenty-sixth.

        Settled in their home again, the Silver Fox was able to relax and really get the rest he needed to be able to Heal quicker and better. He'd scared the twins the first Time Aerin'd cleaned his incision for him, his pained cry unexpected since they hadn't been in the room at first. Thankfully, they'd quickly been quieted and reassured that while Mommy'd hurt Daddy, it wasn't 'cuz she'd wanted to. If they didn't keep his incision clean, no matter how big or small it was, it could make him really sick later on down the road. Neither of the kids wanted to see their daddy get sick, which'd helped with drying their tears as they watched her clean the small, stitched wound on his belly.

        Napping upstairs in the master suite at the current moment, Bobby never heard his phone ring where he'd plugged it in to charge on one of the kitchen counters. He and his wife'd both traded numbers with the blonde bassist before he'd left to rejoin his tour for those few remaining dates, so he wouldn't have been surprised to see his contact pop up on the screen. Since he'd missed the call due to being asleep, he wouldn't have been surprised to hear said wife's phone start ringing moments later as he tried her instead.

        "Hey there, Duff," Aerin said when she answered said call.

        "I'm guessing Bobby's napping again?" he chuckled, making sure he could be heard over the noise in the background.

        "He and the twins both," the young woman answered. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

        "Well, gimme your address, and you'll find out," Duff laughed.

        "Wait, you're seriously in Nashville?" She sounded surprised since she hadn't thought he was being serious about that.

        "Just landed at BNA a lil while ago," the blonde bassist answered. "Course, I hope you're cool with a tag-along."

        "I doubt Bobby's gon' care any more than I will, as long as it ain't Axl," Aerin told him.

        "Definitely not him," he swore. "Nah, my wife decided she wanted more Time with mewhich isn't too surprising when I first get off the road, to be quite honest."

        "In that case, the more, the merrier," the young woman said before giving him their address.

        "We oughta be there in a lil bit then, as long as Google Maps doesn't lie to us and traffic's not like LA," Duff chuckled.

        "At this Time of Day, you're pretty much good to go, barring any really nasty wrecks," she told him. "It's really right around Downtown Nashville that gets snarled the worst during either Rush Hour."

Poison Rose (Sequel to "Good Love")Where stories live. Discover now