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I don't normally put any kinda warnings on my works, but I'ma say this now... If you've heeded the rating of Mature, then you've technically been warned that some dirty shit was gonna go down at some point in this story. If not, then it's your own fault if ya don't heed this warning not to read this particular chapter, if you're sensitive to alternative sexual practices.


Before she actually tied him to the cross she'd led him to, Aerin made the man submitting to her drop to one knee in front of her as if he was proposing. He knew why she did that without even having to ask, and therefore break the high protocol he was under–unless he wanted to earn a harder flogging as punishment, that is. Whether for safety's sake or not, no one she'd ever seen flog another sub'd left the sub's hair unbound during their scene, and she was no different. She always made sure his hair was tied up, no matter how aggravating it wasta do such a thing, as choppy and layered as he always kept those black tresses.

        Once his hair was tied up enough to stay outta her way–which also served another purpose, considering how tight she'd to tie it off–the young woman turned him toward the cross. Ash obediently stepped up onto the platform at its foot, his feet automatically planting themselves at about shoulder's-width apart. He didn't try to raise his arms till she'd stepped on the step stool next to him, and that was only so she could tie them to the top of the X the cross made.

        Duff watched in fascination as she made sure the rope was tied tight enough that he wouldn't be able to free himself simply by jerking on it, but she'd be able to free him easily enough later. She paused between restraining each limb to make sure she hadn't positioned them in such a way that was gonna hurt him, then moved on to the next till she'd restrained all four limbs.

        The older bassists watched their youngest equivalent take a deep breath, obviously to steady his nerves, as Aerin moved to the cabinet next to the one where she'd grabbed the rope from. Even if they'd played before, he was no doubt a lil nervous–Bobby'd said on the phone while they were planning this scene that this was the first Time they'd ever had witnesses. Not even the Silver Fox'd gotten to watch a scene before without accidentally walking in on it, which'd Ended it abruptly when Ash called out his strongest safe word. Getting to watch from Beginning to End for once was a completely different Dragon, and no doubt to make both of the players a lil nervous.

        "Suede, leather, or chain–how much can my lil Phoenix take in pain?" the young woman practically sing-songed as she opened the cabinet she'd moved in front of.

        The blonde bassist's eyes widened in shock as he prayed she didn't actually have a chain flogger–and that if she did, it was just for show.

        "Leather and yarn," Ash responded, not even turning his head in the slightest.

        CRACK! She landed a blow across the right side of his ass that was no doubt gonna leave a handprint within just a few minutes. "What was that, pet?"

        The youngest bassist let out a yelp that sounded eerily reminiscent of a puppy getting kicked in the ribs as he bucked so hard, he practically humped the cross he was tied to. "Leather and yarn, Mistress!" he cried.

        "Good boy–that's more like it," Aerin praised him, gently Soothing his reddened, no doubt stinging flesh with her hand.

        He sighed in what almost sounded like a content tone as she moved her hand to the other side of his ass.

        "Ya know I gotta even ya out now," the young woman warned him.

        "Yes, Mistress," Ash said, bracing himself for the coming blow as much as he could.

Poison Rose (Sequel to "Good Love")Where stories live. Discover now