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"So, you're seriously cool with sharing your wife with another guy?"

        Looking up from where he'd been answering a few emails from his older brother, nieces, and nephews since they never seemed to make it to Nashville for the holidays, Bobby saw the young Black Veil Brides front man on the other side of the great room. Since he was sitting closer to the fireplace and had heard him getting a drink from the kitchen, he wasn't too surprised to see him standing at the foot of the short staircase leading to that particular adjoining room. And if he were completely honest, he wasn't the least bit surprised that he was even asking him such a question, no matter the Timing of it.

        Chuckling softly, the Silver Fox laid his laptop on the End table next to his recliner once he'd shut it down and pushed his glasses further up his nose so he could see him clearly. He gestured toward the End of the couch where Duff'd been sitting throughout the majority of the festivities, Silently telling him that he might as well take a seat since it was currently empty.

        "Son, I learned a long Time ago that the phrase Happy wife, happy Life doesn't exist for nothing," he told him once he was sitting down.

        "Part of me wantsta ask, but part of me doesn't," Andy admitted. "If only so I can get advice on what not to do, if I ever take that kinda leap of Faith again."

        "And I don't blame ya for feeling that way," the Silver fox said. "I'd be curious, too, if I'd a guy old enough to be my dad who could gimme that kinda advice and didn't mind doing it."

        His blue eyes seemed a lot Darker than they really were as he cocked a brow at him.

        "My first marriage was pretty much on the rocks before it even started," Bobby recalled. "Mishy was a cocktail waitress, I was a budding rock star–not exactly the best combo to start with, but I thought we were making it work."

        "Yikes," the younger man said with a wince. "Course, two rockers or other celebrities getting together doesn't seem to work out any better most of the Time–case in point, my own marriage."

        "Key words there, most of the Time," he chuckled. "Just 'cuz it doesn't work out in every case doesn't mean it never works out at all."

        "Touché," Andy agreed with a chuckle of his own.

        "One thing I see we've in common–and both Aerin and Ash've confirmed for me–is that we both got tats dedicated to the women we were married to the first go 'round," the Silver Fox continued.

        "No offense, but I haven't seen any tats on you," he laughed, trying to keep his volume down since his voice tended to echo more than it didn't.

        Bobby let out a laugh of his own as he unbuttoned his overshirt and shrugged his right arm outta its sleeve before turning to where he could see it. While he prolly wouldn't have been able to make out every lil detail in the fairly dim lamplight, he'd at least be able to see something decorating his arm. Running pretty much from shoulder to elbow along his bicep, it was pretty hard to miss without being completely blind, which was what he'd wanted when he'd gotten it.

        The young front man leaned forward enough to see it better without really invading his personal Space more than he absolutely had to. Once his vision adjusted to the amount of Light around him, he could make out what almost looked like a Mermaid whose tail curled oddly at the End. It actually kinda reminded him of the Glyph of Capricorn, and he couldn't help wondering if that was done on purpose or not. But as he scanned up toward the older man's shoulder, Andy saw what was obviously a name arching over the top of the Mermaid's head. He couldn't quite read it since the room was so Dark at the moment, but he figured it musta said Mishy, which he was assuming was the man's ex-wife.

Poison Rose (Sequel to "Good Love")Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя