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TW; blood at the first paragraph ( oh geez i should put this at the beginning of a bunch of chapters but for some reason, i just now remembered )

chapter fifteen: end of part one《

IT felt like the sickening type of deja-vu when jimin woke up coughing. this time more violently than before. the bile and blood that accumulated in his mouth made him choke, the air and liquids violently scraping against his throat. he cried out, wincing as the liquids burned his nostrils. the smell of iron and bile became too vivid. blood stained his white shirt and the linens. the sudden apathy he gained yesterday had disappeared, replaced with fear, pure fear, and disbelief and he began to wail. it was the ugly kind of wailing, with tears streaming down his scrunched up red face, and snot following suit. he balled up his fists and pressed them to the side of his head, his entire body trembling. the nurses tried calming him down, wiping his face down and telling him in soft voices to relax. 

how could he? 

when the awful feeling of dying became all too real and he has suddenly become a burden: ruining linens and worrying his loved ones, leaving a mess after he died.  

jimin sobbed loudly, his breathing was erratic. he could hear the voices around him- yet he couldn't exactly understand what was going on until someone pierced a needle into him. his body fell limp into someone's arms, who placed him onto the bed gently. they removed the stained linens, replacing them with a new one. he felt a hand press down to the side of his temple, a soothing feeling immediately washed over his body. it was like water had splashed over his body, healing every sore. 

he blinked up in confusion, looking up at the stranger, whose face was slightly blurred but jimin could make out two round doe eyes, looking down at him with worryingly. yet there was another feeling, it couldn't be real though. who would feel such a heavy immense sadness for a stranger? 

that was jimin's last thought as his head lolled to the side, sleep consuming him.  

jimin picked at the food set in front of him, pushing it to one side and then to the next. he couldn't find his appetite, no matter how much he stared at the plate in front of him. he simply couldn't. finally, he pushed his tray to the side, sitting up straighter before swinging his legs off the bed. he pressed his socked feet against the linoleum flooring, toes curling.he stood up on his feet, his legs trembling under his weight. then he clumsily made his way to the window. 

the window was large, nearly reaching the ceiling and covering the majority of the wall. it overlooked the other buildings; which as impressive as some of them were, they were just incredibly boring to look at. there was nothing special about the concrete and steel structures, only that they were enormous and covered in glass windows that reflected the sky. 

and today, the sky offered no color, the clouds covered it like a thick fleece blanket, not leaving a patch of blue to admire. 

he pressed his palm against the cool glass, letting out a deep sigh ( the sound hollow and it rattled the dried cocoons in his lungs ) before he slowly crumbled onto his knees, closing his eyes. he squeezed his legs against his chest, wrapping his arms around himself, and stayed on the floor for a couple of minutes. 

he heard a knock on the door but made no effort to turn around to see who it was. he simply said, "come in." he got up with a lot of trouble, hands reaching for purchase on the window sill. he turned towards the direction of the door, his eyes meeting namjoon's eyes. the man stood at the front of the entrance, wearing a beige coat that went past his knees. he had thick black-rimmed glasses on his face, soft black hair ruffled by the wind. jimin couldn't help but admire the other man's beauty. 

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