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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior

Yoongi - Senior

Serri - Senior

Hoseok - Junior

Namjoon - Junior

Jia - Junior

Jimin - Sophomore

Taehyung - Sophomore

Jungkook - Freshman


"Can we," Yoongi paused to swallow, to regain his normal demeanor. "Can we change the topic?" Yoongi laid his fist on the table softly, trying to hide the scowl on his face, his half-eaten piece of toast forgotten. Jimin was good at that, he knew that.

"I'm trying out for football today." Jimin's soft voice tried to calm his siblings down, the ones left at the table, those to be his older sister and six brothers. "Fingers crossed I don't break my arm." There was a forced, half-hearted chuckle from someone at the table.

"Tryouts already?" Namjoon frowned, secretly gagging at the forced bite of bacon he had swallowed. "The first day?"

"Yeah? They probably wanna get it out of the way." Jimin said, scrunching his nose at his now bland eggs. "I've always wanted to try, so I figured now's a good time." He dropped his fork, sighing loudly and kept his gaze low, no longer going to try to eat.

It seemed, with everyone silent, no one moving, it seemed as if time really did stop.

Upstairs, Jia had persuaded her way in, and Taehyung had trapped her in a suffocating hug, Taehyung's face buried in Jia's neck, sobs and gasps from breath only audible. And Jia stood strong, like a pillar. She rubbed her younger brother's back, humming the soft tune their mom would always sing, taking it upon herself now, to be the singer of the lullaby.

Neither of the two wanted to let go, they were as close as two peas in a pod. Taehyung would always be in the one getting in trouble, and Jia was always, always, the first one there, ready to get him out of it. But the short reassurance was ended once Jin's voice flowed into both's ears.

"Come on you two. Hoseok's driving you, Jia, and Taehyung, you're with me." Jin smiled softly as Taehyung finally pulled away from Jia. Jia wiped away his tears, nodding along to Jin's words. "We'll meet up by the front doors at the school, alright?" Jia squeezed Taehyung's hand and made eye contact with Jin.


Hoseok, Serri, and Jungkook were waiting for Jia at the bottom the steps, bookbags on their backs and the last bits of food shoved in their mouths. It was always those three that stole the leftovers. Taehyung waved goodbye before getting in the car with Jin.

"Ready?" Hoseok grinned happily, knowing Jia would return the smile. She did not disappoint. "Into the car, then." He eyed Jungkook who was walking with his head down, eyes on his phone. "Eyes on reality." Jungkook sighed and closed his game, actually listening despite the rumours of being 'sucked away' by video games.

No shock to any, Jungkook had snatched the shotgun, his sisters nonchalant about sitting in the back, Hoseok in the driver's seat. He ordered them all to buckle up, wagging his finger 'menacing as a dragon' as Jungkook would taunt. Just like that, the mood was as chaotic as before, Taehyung's words blinded by Hoseok's words. Jungkook, being the moody freshman as he is, threatened that he'd cut the seatbelts off one day, so he wouldn't have to follow the rules. Hoseok threatened him with the bus, saying those didn't have seatbelts, but Jungkook hated the bus.

"Whos' Jin driving?" Jia asked, too curious to just let it pass. She sat her bag on the ground, eyeing Hoseok's oddly cheery expression through the rearview mirror.

"Jimin, Taehyung, and Joon." Hoseok hummed, starting the car and licking on the floor LED lights.

"What about Yoongi?" Asked Jungkook, hitting his phone against his knee.

"He's driving by himself because he wants to listen to his music on the way. Plus," Hoseok backed out smoothly, his eyes on the driveway. "We all know how grumpy he is in the mornings, and I'm pretty sire nobody wants to deal with that." Hoseok chuckled as he pulled out into the street, Jin pretty far ahead of them.

"Hyung, can I connect my phone?" Jungkook asked, holding his phone while giving Hoseok his signature puppy eyes. That didn't faze the older though.

"Absolutely not. No metal this early." Hoseok stated, shutting the maknae down. Jungkook mumbled something under his breath but didn't argue. Everyone in the car knew Serri would not hesitate to smack Jungkook if he did gain control of the aux.

"Here," Jia connected her phone without Hoseok's permission, smiling as she scrolled through her endless amount of songs. Jungkook's eyes widened as he watched the hundreds of different album covers fly across the screen.

"What the heeeeeck." Jungkook kept his swearing down while Hoseok was in the car. "Do you have a favorite type of music or do you just like everything?"

"Everything." Jia smiled and clicked on a simple album cover, blue sky with a single dandelion in the middle. "It's called Water Ripples for your information, peasants."

"Ew it's peaceful." Jungkook grumbled and then his face dropped. "Oh shit."

"Hey," Hose glanced over at Jungkook, but not a frown on his face. "No swearing."

"But Hyung."


"I forgot my lunch."

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