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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon  - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

Taehyung didn't stumble out of the room to follow the shouting doctors and frantic nurses. He fell into the hallway, his nails digging into his face as he released a terrifying scream. One that froze everyone in their tracks, no matter how far they were. Nurses had to pry his fingers off his face, afraid he'll draw blood, while a few of the male nurses had to hold back Jin and Hoseok from chasing after Jia.

No one should have to watch their sister get hooked up to a stomach pump, forcing all of those pills out of her. No one.

No one should have to watch the stomach pump not working, for the pills had already begun to attack the liver. No one should have to watch the nurse run out of the room, screaming for  activated charcoal to absorb the medication.

No one should have to watch the doctors force Jia to puke, to force all of those acids out of her. No one.

Jungkook threw the bottle against the wall, crouching down, allowing his tears to fall on the floor. Why hadn't he noticed? She never slept that long. He should've noticed.

"Where are you going?" Jimin demanded, tears streaming down his face as Yoongi pushed past him. Yoongi didn't respond. He didn't plan on coming back. "Yoongi you answer me right now!" Jimin screamed, slamming his foot on the ground.

"I'm leaving." Yoongi growled, turning on his heel, his eyes locking with his younger brother's. "I can't do this."

"You are a part of this family!" Jimin's lips quivered so much, he touched them to make sure they weren't falling off. Jimin couldn't see Yoongi's face, his tears stopped that. "You do not leave. You do not leave when you are in a family."

"Whatever." Yoongi scoffed and turned, his mind already made. Nothing could change-

"Don't be like Dad."

Yoongi froze in his spot, Namjoon finally speaking. Jungkook looked up from the floor, shocked he had heard those words. Their Dad walked out on them, dying in a car crash. They liked to believe it was just a car crash, not a crash after he left.

"Why shouldn't I?" Yoongi screamed, stepping back into the room, Taehyung's sobs echoing in his ears. "Jia was just like mom! And she ended up the same way she did!"

"Jia isn't dead!" Jungkook shot to his feet, eyes blazing. Jia was- is. Jia is his best friend. Jia is the person who comforts him when no one else notices. Jia was always there. Always.

"Yes she is!" Yoongi stepped towards the youngest, not caring that he was only a freshman. Not caring at all. Jia breaking, tipped him off. Jia was his tie to the family, to the world. "Did you not see all of them panicking? She wasn't breathing Kook! She's gone."

"Shut up!" Jungkook shouted, his hands curling into fists.

"Grow up Jungkook! Jia is gone! Just like Mom! Just like Dad!" Yoongi didn't shed a single tear. He didn't feel anything. He didn't feel the regret of his words. He knew it was there, but it wasn't like he'd be back. No, he's going to fly tonight. Like said before, Jia is his tie. Wherever Jia goes, Yoongi goes.

"Shut your mouth!" Jungkook took a step forward, angry tears replacing his sad ones. "You shut your mouth Yoongi!" Yoongi let out a cry and jumped forward, punching his brother. It wasn't a shock to Jungkook. No, he was ready for a fight. He was ready to fight.

"Hey!" Jin shouted, running to the fist fight, Serri hugging Taehyung out in the hall, Hoseok clinging to the two as well. "Knock it off you two!" The nurses holding Jin back moments before rushed in the room, prying the brothers off each other.

"How could you!" Jungkook kicked at Yoongi, the man carrying him out of the room. "You're not my brother! You're not! You never will be!"

"I hate you!" Yoongi spat blood onto the floor, Jin rubbing his forehead, tears slowly tracing his face. The nurse was already cleaning up Yoongi as Jin turned his back, the heat of hatred from Yoongi burning his back.

"Namjoon," Jin hugged his younger brother who'd witnessed it all. "Breathe. You have to take deep breaths." With Jia gone, Jin was alone. He had to be the sole parental figure to them all. He had to comfort himself now.

He, he had to plan her funeral.

"She's breathing! She's...She's going to make it! Taehyung she's okay!"

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