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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon  - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

"You yelled at the football team?" Jungkook widened his eyes as Jia nodded, Serri staring at her sister in shock.

"I went with her Gguk, don't worry." Hoseok spoke up, smiling at Jia, her nodding in her turn.

"He tackled the quarterback after he slapped me."

"He slapped you?!" Jungkook jumped to his feet, Serri sitting up straight. Jia pulled Serri back into her arms, Hoseok pushing Jungkook down. "He's dead-"

"I'm fine Jungkook. I've had a volleyball hit me square in the face by our best hitter. His slap was nothing." Jia shrugged, remembering the sting in her face from both times.

"But you're the best hitter on the team." Jungkook grumbled, crossing his arms, Hoseok chuckling softly. The family slowly drifted silent, waiting for someone else to speak up.

"My personalities are not getting along." Taehyung spoke up, staring at the ground, sat next to Namjoon. "V wants to kill himself and you all know Tata. He just keeps wailing and crying, begging V to be happy and I just can't seem to get them to shut up." Taehyung sighed and laid his head on Namjoon's shoulder. "I constantly have a headache and exhausted."

"Hey, we can fix it." Namjoon looked down at Taehyung, holding his brother's hand. "We're in a hospital for God's sake, we can get you with a doctor and get some medicine. They'll subside." Namjoon nodded, hoping it was true.

"Medication doesn't  work with MPD." Yoongi finally spoke, his eyes closed and head leaned back. "It's an emotional thing, not bodily. He'll need therapy." Taehyung sat up and stared at Yoongi, and then Jungkook. Jungkook wanted to slap Yoongi for looking like he's asleep, for ignoring everyone. But he promised Jia not to fight Yoongi. She said he needed space or whatever.

"Well we can do that too." Namjoon nodded and patted Taehyung's hand, Taheyung taking a deep breath and nodding too.

"Yoongi, Jungkook." Jin spoke up, looking between the two brothers. "You two have some things to sort out."

"I have nothing to say to him." Jungkook crossed his arms, looking away. "He's not my brother."

"Jungkook." Hoseok hissed, Yoongi scoffing with a smile. "You can't say that!"

"Why can't I?" Jungkook glared at Hoseok. "He tried to leave us! He attacked me!" Yoongi opened his eyes, Jungkook's and his meeting to finalize the tension.

"You deserved it."

"I should've let you go!" Jungkook jumped to his feet, Serri covering her ears as tears welled in Jimin's eyes. "I should've let you kill yourself you weak bastard!"

"You need to learn your place!" Yoongi growled, Jungkook lucky Namjoon's bed separated the brothers. "You know nothing of this world! You understand nothing!"

"I understand nothing? Really?" Jungkook forced a laugh. "Let's see, I lost mom when I was a child and then dad a few years later. I just turned 12 when I walked in to Jin sobbing on the floor when dad died. I didn't know what depression was until I saw Jia's wrists when I was 13! My brother almost died while I'm 15! Fifteen damnit! My sister who I love so much overdosed right in front of me while I'm in the same fucking room as her!" Jungkook screamed, shaking with the last sentence. His face held the face of a lion, a lion trapped in flames since he was a cub. This lion had no tears left for his older brother. "I think I understand a little more than you think I do." His last voice was calm, stern, calculated. And that was worse than anything ever screamed.

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but Jia held out her hand, looking between the two brothers, shaking her head once. Taehyung clung to Namjoon a little tighter than before.

"Life is unfair, got it?" Yoongi pointed a shaking finger at Jungkook, not able to argue with his words. "You're going to have to deal with it."

"I didn't know life was going to try to rip you away from me." Jungkook's lip trembled and his eyes burned, his nose stuffing up. "Life took Mom and Dad, why you too?" Yoongi didn't know what to say. He raised his head, then tilted his head to the side, biting his tongue.

"You're my little brother..." He began, forcing his eyes upon Jungkook. "I was upset, okay? Jia is my tie to this place, and seeing that, I couldn't handle it. But you and your goddamn big mouth..." Jungkook's face crumbled as tears fell, trying to stand strong and tap hi foot on the ground, his tongue gliding across his teeth. "You saved me, got it? Now I'm here and you're being a baby over it." Yoongi felt his own face wet with tears as he stared at his baby brother. "Come here you little shit." Yoongi walked around the bed, Jungkook running into his arms, the two crying into one another.

"We're going to have our differences, we're going to have fights." Jia spoke up, holding a crying Serri and Jimin. "But that doesn't mean we aren't going to get through them."

"We are a family, we are all that we have." Jin helped Jia, sensing her crumbling demeanor. "We are going to work through anything. We've already been through so much, and some of us don't even have driving licenses." Jungkook laughed, wiping his tears as Yoongi kept his arm around his shoulder. "But look at us. We just admitted our biggest battles after we just finished another. The war may not be over, but it will be soon."

"Battles are not to be fought alone." Namjoon spoke up, remembering Jungkook pushing him through the halls, telling him he wished he had scooter so he could run over slow walkers. Jungkook helped Namjoon with the guilt of the lost of his ability to walk. Yes, he'll walk again, but it'll be a long, long battle to win.

"The war will be won by us, because we are a family. The most badass family ever." Hoseok wiped away his tears as well, wrapping his arm around Jin as the eldest let out a few tears.

"We can do it, together."


hope you all enjoyed :)

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