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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior

Yoongi - Senior

Serri - Senior

Hoseok - Junior

Namjoon  - Junior

Jia - Junior

Jimin - Sophomore

Taehyung - Sophomore

Jungkook - Freshman

Jungkook considers himself the luckiest man in the world. The reason? Why, he has eight older sibling willing to do anything for him. Yes, they annoy him with their constant teasing and pokes, but he wouldn't trade them for anything. He enjoys teasing them back, their loving bickering a highlight of his day.

His favorite part is that everyone always have each other's backs.

Jin would make sure everyone went to bed with a full stomach, and left the house with a happy filling. He knew when it'd be a rough day, or when they had one. There were always cookies when someone had a bad day.

Even though Yoongi would deny it, him and Jungkook would watch movies for hours together, their Marvel spree both of their favorites. Yoongi always made time for Jungkook, but made sure the others think he was too busy, and wanted to be alone. But it was known among the whole family that Yoongi takes Jungkook shopping for his art supplies, checking up on him and making sure he bought the right thing.

When Jungkook would hide downstairs for extended periods, Serri would join him, giving him silent company. She would talk softly about her day, making conversation as Jungkook would lay his head in her lap, allowing her to weave tiny braids through his locks.

Hoseok would always, always, cheer Jungkook up after a game. Hoseok came to the majority of Jungkook's sports, and would analyze Jungkook, knowing if he was unhappy with the way he played. And he was the best person to play Just Dance with at one in the morning.

And his brainy brother, Namjoon, would stay up late with Jungkook even though he hated staying up late. He would cash in his sleep to help Jungkook study for a test he wasn't prepared for, and even force him to learn some English as well.

Him and Jia always exchanged songs with another, tearing up each song bit by bit and almost grading it. They'd drive around for hours at times, singing to the blast radio, their windows rolled down. If they had free time, they sat down at the piano together, Jia helping Jungkook learn some of his favorite songs, letting the basic techniques slide.

Along with Jia, Jimin was so easy to talk to, allowing Jungkook to spill all of his worries out and respond with empathetic advice. They'd play video games together, Jungkook allowing his older brother to win some games, boosting his ego. After much persuasive talking, Jungkook would finally get Jimin to speak about himself, about his day, and if he was lucky, his problems.

Taehyung and Jungkook clashed the most because of Taehyung's energy. Jungkook tried his best to be the edgy teenager around his brother, but Taehyung could get anyone to let loose. His goofy antics and laugh always led to Jungkook holding his stomach, the amount of laughter straining his stomach. Jungkook could rely on a smile from this one, and a run at the park.

Without his siblings, Jungkook would never do these things for himself, never.

And his first year of high school? Scary.

Jungkook has to grow up, get prepared for the future, 'become a man' if you will. Thinking of these horrors always led to one sentence, his mind always went back to this.

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