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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon  - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

please beware. this chapter is dark

"Noona." Jimin whispered, shaking Jia's shoulder. He glanced over at the clock nervously, scared that someone else would hear him. "Jia, wake up." She groaned softly and sat up, looking around before her eyes landed on Jimin.

"Is something wrong? Are you okay?" Jia whispered, sitting straighter, conscious of his hand on her shoulder. Jimin nodded and pulled Jia to her feet, pointing to the door, signalling they should be quiet. The two walked out, leaving Jin questioning the antics of his siblings.

What was Jimin doing up at three in the morning, and where is he taking Jia?

"Jimin," Jia yawned, crossing her arms as the two conversed in the hallway of the quiet hospital. "Can't this wait till morning?" Jimin shook his head, feeling guilty now.

"Please Jia, this is really important to me." Jimin looked up from his hands, eyes burning with tears, everyone's emotions out of balance. Jia noticed the tears in his eyes, pulling her brother in for a hug.

"Okay, I'll drive you. I'm sorry." Jia quickly went back in the room to grab the keys, not noticing Jin's eyes on her. Jin wanted to stand up, demanding to know where they were going at the dead of the night. But he kept his mouth shut, allowing the two to escape this hell. He wanted at least a few of his siblings to be happy.

Jia and Jimin walked out of the hospital, Jia's arm around Jimin, Jimin clinging to her as well. "I just need to grab something from home." Jimin explained to Jia, her nodding in response, starting her car without another word.

Jimin rushed out the car, into the house the minute Jia put the car in park, the keys to the door in his hands. Jia unbuckled and followed him inside, the feeling of home unfamiliar. While Jimin was stumbling around upstairs, a picture had caught Jia's eyes. She picked it up, no emotions going through her head at the moment.

Not until she remembered the day that picture was taken.

"Namjoonie!" Jia laughed, pointing up at the tree. "I'm too short!" Namjoon laughed and sat his book down, shaking his head.

"This is why you shouldn't do sports." He crouched down, allowing Jia to sit on his shoulders, standing up with ease, giving her the height she needed to reach the volleyball in the tree. Jia rolled her eyes, reaching up and getting the volleyball.

"I like the view from up here." Jia was tall for girls, gracing her with the position as the main hitter for volleyball, but she wasn't as tall as Namjoon. "Thanks Joon!"

Jia didn't even realize she was on the floor crying until Jimin had run down stairs, a box in his hands. He dropped the box upon seeing the blood flowing from Jia's hands.

"Jia!" Jimin gasped, running to her, but she didn't even look at him, too lost in her own thoughts. "Hey, look at me." His shaking hands cupped her face, forcing her to look at him. "Jia, Jia, what's wrong?" Jia sobbed louder, hanging her head. Jimin looked at the shattered picture frame, the picture displaying Jia on Namjoon's shoulders, both of them laughing. "Oh Jia." Jimin's heart burned at the sight of his sisters crumbling. Her and Namjoon were so close. The two are practically twins, the closest in age between them all.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, her shoulders still shaking. "I'm so sorry." Jimin got up and grabbed a towel from the kitchen, but froze in his tracks. There, on the counter, sat Jia's antidepressants. That's why she, she's like this. She hasn't been on her medication. He shoved them in his pocket before returning to Jia.

"You're going to need stitches." Jimin wrapped Jia's hands with the towel. "I don't know how..." They're stuck. If Jia can't drive...he, well...


"Okay, Jia." Jimin let out a shaky breath, taking the keys out of the car, miraculously at the hospital. "Let's get you inside." Jia said nothing as Jimin helped her walk, her head dizzy after the loss of blood. Jimin wished this would be all over. He wished this hell would stop.

Hopefully his box of good words helped everyone.

The nurses took care of them, promising to keep Jia's stitches a secret. They knew the secret she was hiding beneath her sleeves the minute she refused to roll them up for an easier access to her hand. The two nurses knew what they'd deliver tomorrow. Flowers always helped one suffering from depression. It made them live a little while longer, to help the flowers grow for just a little longer.

It was quarter till five when everyone was asleep in the siblings' room. Jia was sure of it. It was also the time she pulled out her pills from her jacket, the thief of Jimin revealing herself. She saw them in the car, in his jacket. And he was so focussed on the road, it was the perfect opportunity.

Jia has used the last hour to contemplate her decision. She was in the position to do so; curled up in the corner, on the floor, away from her siblings. They'll just think she's sleeping. They won't.....notice. They won't care, right? No one cares.

Yes, they were mad at her. This all was her fault.

Everything was her fault.


It was eleven when the nurses came in with the flowers, everyone awake but Jia. Smiles and laughs were exchanged once they saw the beautiful, flower-filled vase.

"Oh Jia? She's still sleeping." Jungkook nodded, looking over at his sister, asleep in the corner. "I'll wake her up." The nurses stayed by the door, smiling, one holding the vase, the other the bag of candy for the kids. "Jia, Jia. The nurses have something for you!" He shook her shoulder gently, his voice calm and soft.

"Jia?" Yoongi stood up when Jia didn't open her eyes. She wasn't a heavy sleeper, she was fairly light. Why wasn't she waking up?

"Jia." Jungkook said more urgently, feeling the tension immediately thicken. She always woke up to his voice. He shook her hard, something falling from her hand.

An empty bottle of pills, the cap rolling for a few feet.

The nurse dropped the vase, glass shattering.

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