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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon  - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Jin heard the dreaded chant from down the hall. He was hoping this school would get their shit together and start the year off right. Jin sighed and walked towards the mob of people, setting his bag down at the table his siblings and him had claimed theirs since his freshman year. You can see the heart Hoseok etched into the table with a spoon.

"Yoongi stop!" Jia's voice cried out from inside the mob. Jin's head whipped towards the fight and immediately dove in, shoving people out of his way. There was Yoongi and Jooyeon in the middle, out for blood. Looks like Yoongi had hit him pretty good in the nose.

"Fucking hell." Jin ran forward and pushed the two apart. "Knock it off!" Everyone quieted, waiting to see what the senior would say next. Jooyeon growled and flung his fist towards Jin's face. Jin ducked, grabbed his wrist, and spun him into the ground, pushing extra hard once Jooyeon stayed still, defeated. Jin reeled onto Yoongi, fire in his eyes. "You." Jin grabbed Yoongi by the ear and started to drag him out. That's when he saw the rest of his siblings huddled together. "All of you too."

The rest of the siblings followed the eldest, Jimin and Taehyung snickering quietly. Everyone stared and watched the famous orphans walk out of the lunchroom, going to only one place. The room they had made their own.

Jin threw open the door and pushed Yoongi into the cushions lining the floor, Yoongi regaining his balance before falling. "What the hell were you thinking?" Jin hissed at Yoongi as the door closed, the lights strung to the wall turning on. "It's the first day of school and you already got into a fight!"

"Jin!" Jia stood in front of Jin, staring up at her older brother, desperate to save Yoongi who had stood up for her. "It was Jooyeon."

"He was bullying Jia." Yoongi growled, leaning against the wall covered in Polaroid pictures of them all. "I simply returned the favor."

Everyone stared at Jia, wide-eyed. Why would anyone bully her? She is so sweet. Why-

"He pretended to have a seizure, knowing Jia would try to help him. Then he started to mock Jungkook." Yoongi stared at the floor, his fingernails digging into his arms. You could see his foot lightly tap the floor, a habit that happens when he is agitated.

Jungkook stares at Jia with wide eyes. Yes, she always had been the one who always comforted him, talked with him whenever he was scared of his seizures. He never knew that she would get bullied by them. Taking long strides, Jungkook engulfed Jia in a hug, shutting his eyes and resting his head on her shoulder, despite having to slouch to reach her. Hoseok and Taehyung softly asked Jia if she was alright, and she replied confidently, saying everything was fine.

Yes, the boys were furious, but they pushed that anger down inside them and focused on comforting Jia and Jungkook. Well, all but Jin. Jin isn't known for anger, but he is known for his protectiveness. Without another word, Jin slammed the door behind him, storming back into the lunchroom.

Jooyeon didn't even get a chance to react when Jin pulled him from his seat and landed a solid punch. Hiding a grin, Jin turned around and started to walk back to their room, not another word spoken.

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