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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon  - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

"Hey Kid." Jia sat next to a freshman on the ground in the back of the room, percussion instruments surrounding her. "You're a freshman saxophone, right?" Jia smiled slightly as she saw the look of surprise on the girl's face.

"Y-Yeah I am." She stuttered slightly, looking Jia in the eyes now, a tuba blaring from somewhere in the room, a trombone following. "It's the second day, and you already know me?"

"Oh yeah I do." Jia nodded quickly. "The junior saxophone, Kim Taehyung?" Jia continues once the girl nodded, instantly knowing the boy. "He's my brother. He talked about how good you are at home, bragging about how you're the best freshman." Jia leaned back against the box for the quads as she watched the girl's face grow red, nibbling on her lip now.

"He really said that about me?" She asked quietly and Jia almost had to ask her to say it again for the piccolo was now screaming random notes.

Jia nodded as Taehyung plopped down beside the duo. "Hey it's my favorite freshman and my dorky sister!" He pulled them both into a hug, the freshman getting extremely flustered. "Lily, we are going to warm up soon." The freshman, Lily nodded and stood up, smiling at Jia.

"You're the lead bass drum, right?" Lily paused her walk to ask Jia the question. Jia smiled even wider.

"Yes I am. I get to play all the cool parts during the games after a tackle or whatever." Jia rolled her eyes, not really smart in football terms. But let's be honest, no band member really understood football, only that they are supposed to support them whenever they run into a rectangular area.

"Alright let's start!" The band director stood on top of her podium.


"You fucking left without me?" Serri cussed out loud, Yoongi driving away in the distance. "I'm sorry I had to help clean-up today shithead." Serri growled, crossing her arms to start the walk home. It became worse once the rain fell from the sky.

"Mmm, hey Serri." A hand clamped around her ass firmly and there were instantly three of the guys from the guys' soccer team around her. Serri growled and raised her fist, about to swing. But one of them grabbed her wrist, kissing her hand. "I can't believe we found you....all alone."

"Can, y-you." Serri stuttered, the situation fully sinking it, his hand still on her ass. "S-stop."

"Mmm, but that's no fun." He grabbed her chin and pulled her close, the smirks of his friends in her vision as well. Serri did the one thing that was on her mind. She kicked, and ran. Just like what Yoongi said to do.

"You run as fast as you can, and if they chase, you scream."

"Let her run." She heard one of them laugh. "We have tomorrow to look forward to."


Jimin's laying upside down on the couch when the front door swings open, the steady pitter-patter of rain on the rooftop much more audible now. It must've been Jia because Yoongi was home with Ser- "Serri, good lord," he says in disbelief, his sister drenched in rain and shaking uncontrollably. Jimin helped her out of her hoodie, the rain completely ruining it. But she doesn't respond, still trembling as she stands perfectly still. Jimin didn't notice the way she flinches at his hands on her back.

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