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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

"It's okay Gguk." Jia focussed on her brother's breathing, his whole body wrapped around hers, both laying in one hospital bed. "Everything's okay."

"No it's not!" Jungkook sobbed out in his mess off tears, burying his head in her shoulder. "Everything is not okay." Jia didn't have anything to say. She stared at Jin, sadness in both of their faces. Taehyung was laying right next to, even a bit on Jungkook. Yoongi hasn't shown his face, and Jimin, Serri, and Hoseok had stayed for a little before returning to Namjoon, promising a return.

Even in her lowest state, Jin noticed, Jia was still comforting, supporting others. And that wasn't fair.

"Jin..." Jia whispered as he climbed onto the other side of the bed as his brother.

"I'm here." Jin wrapped his arm around his baby sister, tears welling in her eyes as she laid her head on his shoulder. "Just relax Jia. I've got you."


"You're doing great Namjoon." Serri encouraged as she watched her brother do his feet excersizes, concentration twisted onto his face. "Take it slow, like the trainer said." Three weeks since Jia's attempted suicide. It's been difficult, but as a team, the nurses and doctors had taken the Kims under their wing. They needed adults, adults older than Jin, older than 23. Th

Jia was always in a nurse's sight, even when she went to the bathroom, a nurse made sure she came out. She'd escaped with a stolen cafeteria knife, but slowly have been stopped.

Yoongi has been exploring the hospital, not leaving, but distancing himself from his siblings. He hasn't talked to Jia, but made sure to check up on her while she slept. He would have conversations with her, while she slept. He was too afraid to say anything to her while she was awake.

The nurses loved to play games with Jungkook, cheering him up any way possible. They looked forward to his jokes, bickered lovingly with him over his homework. Jungkook asked how Jia was feeling twenty times a day. And he would push Namjoon in his wheelchair for an hour each day, twice a day. He loved his talks he had with the brother he always aspired to be.

Serri and Taehyung had grown quite close during this period as well. Both had found each other in the cafeterria at two am, both looking for the knives Jia had stolen, both curious for the pain, the relief. Both now live for another, to protect another. Both made sure each other's wrists were clean, that they didn't break the promise to each other.

Jia's seen Hoseok fall into depression, she's seen the signs of bullying. It was a shock to the whole school to see the sucidal girl scream at the football players. It was a shock to see the male cheerleader tackle the star quarterback of the school after he slapped his sister. It was a shock to see the starters of the team be suspended from school for a week. And no one protested, because they were all victims of their bullying.

And the Kims were their saviors.

Jimin and Jin liked to argue with one another. Both wanted to be the last asleep. Both wanted to be the strong man in the family. Both failed to be the last asleep. It was always Namjoon, no matter how hard the two tried. Jimin and Jin only went to each other to talk about their problems. They only trusted each other's mental health, each other's the only strong enough ones. And they depended on one another.

"You all need to talk." One of the two nurses spoke, smiling sweetly at the Kims, all in their usual spot in Namjoon's room.

"We've seen you all suffer through your own problems that could hurt you so much less if you would let each other know about what you're going through." The other spoke, nodding at Jin.

"Please, help each other." The door shut without another word and the Kims sat in silence. Yoongi and Jungkook refused to speak, and they haven't looked at each other in three weeks, not since their argument.

"I hate myself." Jimin spoke up, shocking everyone, Jin holding his hand after those words left his mouth. Only Jin knew the truth of those words before everyone else. "I hate my face, I hate my body, and I hate my personality. I hate smiling because of my disgusting cheeks, but I can't hold back my happiness when I'm around you all. I tried starving myself, but you stopped me from that, probably not known to you. I hate how weak I am. I made those sticky notes not only for you all, but for myself. But I didn't believe my words, ever." Jimin kept his eyes on his siblings, slowly moving from brother to sister every couple of words or so. "I've been working on it, and I'm definitely gotten better. And, and I know I will get to a point in my life where I love myself, I know I will."

"That is right Jimin." Jin was the first to break the silence, smiling as a reassurance to the fragile boy. "You will get there."

"I was sexually assualted." Serri closed her eyes and turned away, tears streaming down her face. Jia made a small noise and hugged her sister. "Some guys, after my soccer practice...and I just, I didn't know what to do." Jia hummed softly rocking them both slowly. "I didn't feel like a human, I felt like a doll. But, but Jia," Serri opened her eyes to smile at her younger sister. "She left volleyball practice early to walk home with me. She would glare at the boys if they looked at me. She protected me."

"You're my sister." Jia looked up from her wrapped wrists. "I'd do anything for you."

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