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"He said 'one day, you'll leave this world behind, so live a life you will remember.'"


Jin - Senior
Yoongi - Senior
Serri - Senior
Hoseok - Junior
Namjoon - Junior
Jia - Junior
Jimin - Sophomore
Taehyung - Sophomore
Jungkook - Freshman

"Sweet dreams." Jia shut the door quietly, leaning her head on the closed door. This is all my fault. What if I can't always be there to protect her? What if they touch her again. I'm a horrible sister. God I need to-

Someone hugged her from behind, startling her and a small noise escaping her lips. "I think I understand now." Jin spoke as he hugged Jia tightly, resting his chin on her head. "You think you aren't good enough. And when you do think like that, you clench your fists really tightly, drawing blood." Jia didn't even realize the blood droplet that had hit the floor earlier. "Come on, I'll help you with it."


"I swear Jia is a literal 10 year old." Jimin sighed and smiled at his older sister and younger brother asleep on the couch, the credits rolling on the screen. "She's 17 and cant even stay awake for a 40 minute TV show."

There was a crash from the kitchen and Jimin immediately ran in the room to see what happened. A bowl was clattering on the floor while Taehyung cowered in the corner. Jimin sighed and slowly walked over to his brother's other personality, TaTa. TaTa gets scared very easily and only trusts his siblings. V on the other hand is very violent and not afraid to speak his mind. Taehyung is always talking to himself, having an argument with his other personalities. He was born with this disability.

(I have never written MPD before and I'm trying my best to learn about it so I can make this as accurate as possible. If anyone would like to give me a mini lesson or something, that's be great :) and if I write something totally incorrect, please tell me or leave a comment so I can fix it!)

"Hey TaTa." Jimin stayed his distance away from his brother. "It's Jimin. Remember me?" TaTa looked up at Jimin and studied him with fearful eyes before nodding a few times, tears running down his face. "Can I have a hug TaTa? You look a bit scared." Jimin smiled gently and opened up his arms for a lovely hug. TaTa nodded once more, as he always does, and they say next to each other, hugging until Taehyung took control once more.

"TaTa?" Taehyung guesses as Jimin helped him up, steadying him lightly.

"Correct." Jimin began to walk to the living room were Jia and Jungkook still slept. "You carry Jia, ill carry Jungkook."


"Ready? Okay!" Hoseok beamed at the tree in front of him, his hands clasped together, posture perfect. He moved with everyone else as they got into position for the pyramid. Hoseok held up a two girl on his shoulders, one of their legs on each of his shoulders. The girls held hands as they connected with other cheerleaders. Hoseok kept a bright smile on his face as they completed the pyramid right on time.

"Way to go Hoseok!" The football jocks stopped their walk to laugh at Hoseok. "Are you there for tits or dick?"

"Definitely dick! Do you see how tight those pants are?" Another football player joked, looking Hoseok up and down as the girls disassembled the pyramid.

"Fuck off." Areum glared at the football players. "He has more of a heart then you ever will."

Eventually, the football players went away, leaving Hoseok sitting on the grass, the other cheerleaders trying to console him. But what was the use? They won't stop bullying him.

After practice, Hoseok was the last one in the showers, taking his time in enjoying the heat of the water. He had only pulled his boxers on when the same football players from earlier came in, pushing Hoseok against a wall. They cackled with laughter as they poured maple syrup on Hoseok, throwing flour on him as a finish. Hoseok crumbled to the ground in defeat, sobbing as the laughing dicks left the locker room, their job finished.

Hoseok would've been there for hours if Jungkook hadn't walked in, picking up his lacrosse bag.

"Hyung!" Jungkook dashed over to his shaking brother, sticky and disgusting. "What happened?"

"It's, it's nothing. Nothing at all." Hoseok tried to steady his breath, not wanting to tell his dear younger brother about the hell he experiences because of cheer. Jungkook pursed his lips as he saw Hoseok's cheerleading bag off to the side.

"The football players did it, didn't they?" Jungkook's voice was deep, powerful, like he was ready to fight them with just his voice. Hoseok closed his eyes and stood up.

"Yes, they did."

Jungkook joined his brother in standing. "Hyung, let me help clean you up." Jungkook told Hoseok, not ask. Together, the two brothers scrubbed the flour off of Hoseok's toned body, rubbing away the syrup from his sun kissed skin

"Please don't tell anyone else about this." Hoseok begged Jungkook as he slung his bag over his shoulder, ruffling his hair, smelling of soap and syrup. "They would freak and make me quit. I can't quit cheer."

Jungkook clenched his fist. "Alright Hyung. I'll listen to you." But boy did Jungkook hate it. If he told Yoongi, Yoongi would beat the football players to a pulp, and they would never bother Hoseok again.

"Let's get ice cream." Hoseok slung his arm over Jungkook's shoulders, smiling brightly as they walked out of the locker room. "My treat." And just like a flipped switch, the somber Hoseok Jungkook has just witnessed was gone and replaced with the happy, cheerful one.


Namjoon was mumbling to himself as him and fifteen other students rode on a bus to the city 30 or so minutes away. They were all on their way for a NHS match, eager chatter all throughout the bus.

"Jia?" Namjoon answered her call, confused why she was on the phone with him, for she was supposed to be in volleyball right now.

"Sup Joon." Jia said breathlessly and Namjoon heard a door slam shut. "I got out of practice early." Another loud pant and feet pounding on the floor. "I'm going to drop off Jungkook and then drive to your match."

A huge smile blossomed on his face. Tonight, everyone was busy, leaving Namjoon alone at his match. But Jia always found a way to rescue anyone who had to be alone. A frown quickly crossed his face. But Jia always ends up alone with swim and volleyball.

"Alright I gotta go Joon!" Jia laughed as he heard a car starting. "I drive faster when I'm not talking."

Namjoon rolled his eyes with a smile. "Don't get pulled over."

"Oh I won't!" Jia exclaimed, on the road now. "I love you!"

"I love you too!"

And that's when the bus was T-Boned, a semi colliding with them

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