Chapter 1 Still Searching

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Skulduggery dove over the table and rolled round the corner, avoiding the spray of bullets that threatened to turn his suit into an exhibit of Swiss cheese. Yet another encounter starting off on the wrong foot.
"All I wanted to do was ask a few questions"
The table he had been using for cover turned to splinters, causing Skulduggery to roll away before the same happened to him. He hated these Serpine supporters. Mad people who followed suit with his powers, nutters.
"If we could just calm down"
"I'll do what Serpine couldn't, I'll keep you down for good!"
"Better people have tried" He muttered before pulling out his gun and shooting the mad man in the knee. He wailed and dropped his defense as he clutched his leg. Skulduggery shot up and tackled him to the floor, shackling his hands whilst he sobbed.
"Shame this couldn't have been easier, I could have broken a sweat"

He hauled him out to the cleavers who took him without a word. Dexter stood by his Bentley with his hands in his pockets and a skeptical look on his face. Instead of his usual smart but casual look, he now wore a vest top and shorts with a sheen of sweat glistening from his forehead.
"Had fun in there?"
"No, he almost ruined my suit. Such an act is inexcusable"
"Well I'm sure he paid the price for it. Get anything from him?"
"Couldn't wait until I got back to the sanctuary?" He slide into the Bentley, watching Dexter go to slide in the passenger seat. "No. No. You're all sweaty"
"And? I'm mostly dry"
"But that's..." He quickly stopped what he was about to say, and judging by Dexter's silence on the matter he too understood why. It had been years since either of them had seen Valkyrie. Skulduggery was the only person who had had any contact with her.
"I learned nothing from him. He was too excited at the prospect of attacking me. These Serpine followers are getting out of hand"
Dexter nodded, drying himself off and getting in despite Skulduggerys sigh.
"Ever since the event at Ravel's place people have been getting out of hand. Whatever message Delilah wanted to send got to everyone's ear. They either find her insane or justified. Face facts, some people think we have been making the wrong decisions so they try and rise up. Using tactics of old, villians we have already defeated."
"Seems redundant, copying someone who failed. Where's the creativity?"
Dexter shrugged. "So what's the plan now? Still trying to find this secret organiser?"
"They're out there...but I need help"
"You know you have me at your beck and call. My own daughter almost died in that place. Me, Saracen, Faith and Lucian. They've fully recovered Skulduggery, don't be afraid to use them"
Skulduggery cocked his head, observing the road as he drove. Heading to the sanctuary. He knew what he needed. Who he needed.
"I'm aware of who I have with me. But it may not be enough"
"Skulduggery, she's gone. She left this life. You can't drag her back into it."
"And if she wants to come back?"
"Then she will of her own accord. Don't push her when she may not be ready to return"
"She's ready"
"Only she can make that decision. Does she feel the same way?"
He fell silent. Pondering Dexter's question. She must have been ready. She had been gone long enough. But he knew, deep down, that Dexter was right. It was her decision.

Half an hour later they pulled into the sanctuary parking lot, exiting the car and heading up to China's office.
"I'm going to go see Mendacious. She should have just gotten back by now"
"Of course, until the next time"
Dexter nodded and walked in the opposite direction. But Skulduggery stayed walking until he reached her door. He didn't bother knocking, he just knew she loved surprises.

She stood with her back to him as she stared out of the window. Sophie, her receptionist walked in beside him.
"Sir, you need to book an appointment"
He waved her off as China turned to face him. She sighed as she turned to Sophie.
"No need Sophie, he's here now anyway"
Sophie apologised once more before turning and leaving in a hurry.
"Tell me Skulduggery, what was the point in hiring Sophie if you don't pay her any heed?"
"Because everyone else does"
"But not you because you're special?"
"And people say you don't understand me"
She sighed again before taking her seat behind the table. "What did you learn today?"
"That people don't like me. And people are following in the footsteps of the most notorious people we have ever known"
"This we all knew. Anything we didn't already know?"
"He was hesitant to spread any knowledge"
"So another dead end. Great. Any good news for me?"
"Can't say I have."
"Then you have failed my dear. What's going on? This isn't the only dead end this month"
"Noone wants to cooperate with us, they view us as the villains. So we need to find who's spreading the message. Starting with who's giving these idiots the juice up"
"Well, a necromancer has to be helping them to get Serpines power. And if if do recall we have one in the cells."
"I'm not going to him as long as we can help it. He won't willingly help us"
"Then find someone who will, dismissed"
He nodded and walked back out the way he came. He didn't see Dexter on the way out so he assumed he found Mendacious. He could've gone to Saracen for assistance. He could go to Faith and Lucian for advice. But he knew what he needed to do.

He reached his car in no time at all, unlocking it and climbing in. He didn't start it up right away. Instead he sat there and wondered where he was going. He knew where he wanted to go. But could he go there? Should he go there? He knew he needed her. Then he could solve all of this. But first, he needed Valkyrie Cain.

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