Chapter 9 Traps

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Valkyrie observed Saracen as his movements began to slow, no doubt the poison seizing his muscles. She debated whether or not to kill him or just delay him getting the cure. Smoke had instructed her to act as normal, and to not give off any warnings about her new mission. She hated having to listen to Smoke, but the situation was unchangeable. She had heard how Skulduggery had clashed with Smoke before, and had even spent some time corrupted himself. So at least he'd understand after all of this. If she could stop herself from killing him.

They had just finished challenge number three which made Valkyrie knackered. Her shock sticks needed recharging, but at least her magic was getting more accurate. That would be handy in killing the dead men. She hated thinking that, she wanted to break free from this. But a larger part of her wanted to do it. Wanted to carve up their bodies and hang them out for everyone to see. She had even heard some interesting threats against Skulduggery which she could put to the test. Staring perhaps with the piano keys threat Baron Vengous made.

"Are you okay?"
Skulduggery walked beside her with a hand on her shoulder, he had kept checking up on her. She wasn't sure if it was because this was her first mission since she can back or if he sensed something. If he did indeed sense something, then she needed to deal with him quickly.
"I'm okay, just getting back into the swing of things"
"If you need to take it easy, I'm sure we can deal with whatever is next whilst you stay back"
"I can do this, if I can't then that means I really shouldn't be back. Plus the next area is apparently full of traps"
Skulduggery nodded, holding an arm out and stopping everyone. The hallway ahead looked for all intent and purposes innocent. But with traps in this place nothing could be trusted. That was what Brian said. She missed Brian. Skulduggery took a splinter of wood from the wall and threw it forward, insanely the floor fell apart revealing spikes underneath.
"Got to appreciate the classics" said Dexter as he nodded in admiration. There was a deep part of her that didn't want to kill Dexter more than everyone aside from Skulduggery. She remembered remnant Dexter, now that was someone she could get on with. Maybe she could revisit that instead of killing him.

Skulduggery had everyone link up before he flew them over the gap, they had Saracen up front ever since looking for traps, since Saracen knew things. He'd point out trap after trap, telling them which floorboards to avoid and when to crouch walk. With Saracen ahead she would never get an opportunity, so she needed to make something happen. During her break she had realised she could reach out and touch minds, so that's what she did. The next time Saracen paused she sent a jolt through his mind, he bent in two before falling onto the floor.
"What the hell!?" Dexter asked as he ran forward, scooping up Saracens unconscious body.
"Must have been a mental trap, this guy must have been prepared for Saracen. Which means we have lost our edge"
"Well, what do we do now?" She asked Skulduggery. He looked about before responding.
"For now, Dexter will need to wait here by Saracen until he regains consciousness. Meanwhile you and I shall go ahead and look for traps the old fashioned way."
"Right, should be fun. So you're going ahead of me?" She grinned.
"Is that you doubting my abilities?"
"Not doubting as such, just being careful"
"Of course"

They left Dexter minding Saracen as they progressed, Skulduggery stayed slightly ahead with his right hand splayed out, reading the air for any tamperings. She needed to do this right, wait for that golden opportunity.
"So, I have to know. Why bring me back in now?"
"What do you mean?"
"You've had years to convince me to come back, and you've tried. But you've never not taken no for an answer."
He paused walking and turned to face her.
"Because, I felt like it was time. And times have got very tough. Exceedingly so in fact. I need you to solve this, to get this done as quickly as only we could get it done."
He stepped forward but stepped back immediately as a panel of the wall beside him opened up and ramped down. She had no idea what was down there. Perfect.
"Where do you reckon that goes?"
"Probably to a basement"
She walked over and carefully peered over the edge, she couldn't see anything useful.
"I think there's a light down there"
Skulduggery walked over and peered down, she had her chance so she took it. She reached out and shorted his mind, the same as she had done to Saracen. He stiffened but didn't get the chance to fall as she booted him down the passage way and out of sight. Now she just needed to pass it off.
"Skulduggery!" She screamed before forcing a tear to develop and running back to Dexter and Saracen. Dexter stood up from knelt against the wall and rushed to meet her.
"What happened?"
"Skulduggery fell through a gap in the wall. I don't know where he is. It sealed up right after." She did her best sob, a well practised  act from experience in the past.
"Right, help me with Saracen and we will head to where he was."
She helped him lift up Saracen with no complaint, carrying over to the gap in the wall where Skulduggery fake fell through.
"So whereabouts?"
She didn't answer, she just took the dagger from Saracens belt whilst Dexter wasn't looking.
"Around about here, by the way, and this is completely random. But how did it fell to be a remnant.?"
"Where did that come from? To be honest though I don't remember it, thank god. Would hate to think what else I could do with one of them creepy critters inside me"
She sighed, not the answer she wanted. So she lunged forward and plunged the dagger into Dexter's neck. He spluttered and fell, feebly grabbing at the knife lodged in the side of his neck. Whilst he started to choke up blood she turned to Saracen. Still laying there motionless, Dexter had dropped him when she stabbed him so he was now bleeding slightly from the gash on his forehead. She felt bad for him, not enough to spare his life, but bad much the same. She half picked him up before pushing him down the same shaft she pushed down Skulduggery. He tumbled down with heavy thuds, which brought a spiteful smile to her lips.

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