Chapter 2 Welcome Back

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She woke up suddenly, shaking away the feeling of the nightmare of the night. It had been a cruel reminder of devastation day and everyone who had suffered. Back when Darquesse went nuclear and killed almost everyone in her path.  She knew that Roarhaven had been rebuilt in her absence. Skulduggery had even shown her pictures of the new locations such as Shudder Gate. He had also told her about the old district, how sensitives had to avoid the area due to when Darquesse summoned the portal it effected the aura of the area. Sensitives got almost paralysing headaches, another thing for her to feel guilty about. 

She swept her legs out of bed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, grabbing her phone and seeing if she had any texts. She almost dropped it when she saw one from Skulduggery. The usual text from her mother was there, inviting her to dinner this coming Sunday. She pondered for a moment before deciding to push it until later. She didn't even answer Skulduggerys text, she knew what it would be about. He wanted her to make her big return. Come back into the fray. She wasn't ready for that. 

She showered quickly, meeting Xena when she she headed back to her bedroom to dry her hair and get dressed. She bounded about and wagged her tail like the constantly upbeat dog she was. She found herself smiling slightly as she ran around her. Xena was the beacon of light in her life. Always managing to keep her afloat. She went down in her towel and started towards the kitchen when she heard a car driving up. She instantly ran back upstairs, peeking slightly to get a look at who it as. She instantly relaxed when she saw the car however. The classy, the ever so sleek. The Bentley. She stepped back and got dressed, drying her hair quickly. She found herself excited but nervous for seeing Skulduggery. Last time she had seen him was around six months ago. He had seemed on edge with her but hadn't told her why. She didn't pry, if Skulduggery kept something from her there was usually a good reason for doing so. 

She slowly walked over to the door, wondering what could be the reason for his house call. His text had said they needed to talk but she assumed that would be a phone call. Not a house call. She grabbed the doorknob and hesitated, something was telling her this would be a bad visit. She opened it anyway and he nodded his hat to her, dressed in a fine 3 piece navy suit. Hat placed perfectly on his skull. He hadn't changed a bit since she last saw him. 
"Hello Valkyrie"
"Hey, couldn't wait for me to call you?"
She stepped aside and he walked in, taking off his hat as Xena bounded into the room. He started scratching behind her ears as he spoke. 
"I didn't fancy the two week wait if i'm being honest. I do hope your dog doesn't run off with my hand"
"Only if she likes the taste." She looked away, rubbing her arm. "I can't come back Skulduggery"
He stopped scratching Xena and took a seat in the armchair, motioning for her to sit as well. She sat on her sofa and Xena jumped up. Leaning her head on Valkyries lap. 
"You may not have a choice, I've been keeping an eye on this place but quite frankly I believe it isn't safe for you here anymore."
"What do you mean? No-one knows i'm here right? Right?"
"Of course. Your secret as you know is always safe with me. But there is a new issue threatening all of us"
"I'm sure you have enough people to deal with whatever or whoever is coming"
"They have already arrived, I neglected to tell you this during my last visit due to respecting your wishes. But the time has come for you to know."
"Right, what happened Skulduggery?"
He filled her in on everything that had happened nine months ago. How he had arrived at Ravels house to investigate him and it turned out he needed to investigate everyone else. How Delilah faked her own death and proceeded to kill six people with the help of an unknown but deceased accomplice. How there was someone behind her pulling the strings. But the most important thing, the mastermind had it in for her. Skulduggery told her how he had scoped out her place. Adding in defences and even staying near by some nights. Skulduggery sounded as serious as only a few times she could recall. Times when the whole world was under threat. 
"So i'm afraid you don't seem to have much of a choice. Whoever this person is i'm sure you are there primary target so being with me and being in the sanctuary will help make sure they can't get to you"
"I don't need a babysitter Skulduggery"
"Did I say you did? I'm just telling you, being around us will deter this mastermind from coming after you. We won't be your bodyguards, just your friends staying close."
"Sounds like babysitting to me."
"Regardless, despite all of this there is one thing that is more important. I need you Valkyrie, I need you by my side. I am a better detective with you by my side, a better friend and an all around better person. Time to come back Valkyrie, the world needs you. Now more than ever."

She nudged Xena off of her and got up, walking over to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of orange juice, Skulduggery stood up but stayed over by the chair. Placing his hat back on and checking himself out in the mirror. He watched her down it, watched her look out of the window, even watched her wash up the glass. She knew he was without even turning around. For of course he was, he was right. And he knew it. But she wasn't ready for all of this. The nightmares had only just started spacing out and becoming less frequent. But if he was right about this mystery person then it would only be a matter of time before they found her. Her luck always turned out that way. She turned and he was suddenly right by her. He placed a hand on her shoulder and she just knew he was looking right into her eyes.

"Valkyrie Cain. I need your help, and I can't take no for an answer. We have a new threat and you are required by my side. Do you accept?"
She looked down, knowing what she was going to say but didn't want to say it. The moment she said it, all of this became real. No longer a dream or a vision. She would be back.
"Fine, but this isn't permanent Skulduggery. I can't come back fully yet, so until we bring this person in, or we determine they aren't after me, i'm done. I come back here and make sure i'm fully ready."
"Of course, now then, time for us to save the world. And by the way, welcome back Valkyrie"  

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