Chapter 10 Split up

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Lucian cradled his arm as he followed Lexi to the exit. Faith was limping ahead with the key. Challenge three was now behind them, and he couldn't be happier about it. Bloody werewolves. He could've sworn they had gone extinct. He wondered how this guy managed to snag some. In fact, he wondered how this guy had any of what he had here. This had to have taken months or preparation. Which meant that he must have been setting this up the moment the mansion was over, if not before.

Faith unlocked the door but slumped against it. It was clear they all needed a rest, but the question was could they afford one. They had no idea how the others were doing, how far along they were. He knew there was a timer, but how long they had left was unknown. So they needed to power on, no matter what.
"Last challenge is up next"
Faith looked over as she dropped the key. "Good, hopefully it's looking after puppies"
"I doubt this guy would be so kind" he chuckled. "Although, we can always get a puppy after this?"
He knew he had taken the next step with her, and he could see that she knew it too. Lexi looked away, pretending she was somewhere else completely. Faith looked at him, no stared. Like she couldn't believe he had said it. 
"You want to get a puppy?"
"Why not? We practically live together so it's not like one of us wouldn't see it all the time"
"If we get a puppy, what happens to your job opportunity?"
"I guess I have to turn it down. They will be understandably gutted but that's their loss. "
Faith grinned and shuffled over to him, wrapping him in her arms. "Then yes, let's get a puppy. I'm so naming it though"
"I'm sure we can come up with a name together"
She raised an eyebrow but eventually agreed. They shared a short chuckle before Lexi walked over. 
"Congrats guys. Now what say we finish this?"
"Sounds good. I really need a shower"
"Second that"

They walked down the hallway, leading to a set of stairs with boarded up windows. The wood was already mouldy with damp, which created quite a stink. At the top of the stairs it was revealed that the rest of the floors was fenced off with a heavy load of debris. Clearly this was the floor he wanted them on. Every door leading to main door down the hallway was cordoned off in similar fashion. Lucian turned to speak to Faith but stopped when he saw the person behind them. A person in a long overcoat, very similar to the teleporter at Ravels mansion stood a few feet behind them, staring dead centre at them. 
"Who the hell are you?" he growled.
Lexi and Faith spun round, summoning flames to their hands.
"I am Tobias. I must congratulate you on your efforts so far. You are the first team to make it to the final challenge."
"What's the final challenge?"
Tobias nodded and pointed to the door behind them. "Beyond that door spans a maze bigger than you could ever imagine. Somewhere in there lies the cure for your friend Saracen." 
They all tensed at his name, the act making Tobias grin.
"However, many unfriendly factors live in this maze." He continued. "Each person starts on their own. The first four out of the six to make it to the middle get to leave with their lives."
Lucian frowned. "Six? Seven of us are here. Miss out on maths did you?"
Tobias laughed, causing them to get annoyed.
"What's so funny?" asked Lexi. The flame in her hand flaring.
"Well, the odd number did trouble us in the beginning. And I was instructed to eliminate someone to make the number six. But, in a interesting development, someone beat us to it"
"You're lying"
"Now, I could spoil who bit the dust, but where's the fun in that? I could also spoil that it was one of your own who spilt the blood. Oops."
Lucian couldn't believe what he had just heard, there was no way it was true. None of them would raise a hand to one of the others. Unless something made them do it. He pushed the thoughts away, this must be a tactic to discombobulate them.
"Your tricks won't fool us jester"
Faith grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, by the look in her eyes she believed him. 
"Jester? I am insulted. I offer more to a role than a measly jester. I am Tobias, one of a kind necromancer. Unique. Impressive. I don't want you bowing to me, you're not worth it. However, I must cut this short. Time to get you to your podiums, you will begin when everyone has arrived. Should give you time to think and guess who could be your traitor."
"We aren't going anywhere!"
Faith and Lexi threw their fire towards him whilst Lucian conjured a shadow spear and thrust it at him. Tobias flipped over the fireballs, landing on the spear and riding it backwards to the floor. He then shadow walked back to where he had stood.
"It really would be easier if you came willingly."
Lucian pushed a shadow wall at him whilst Faith and Lexi held a wall of air behind him. He flipped backwards, hitting the wall of air, but before he landed he shadow walked. Lucian looked for him, but spun round when he heard Lexi cry out. Tobias had dropped on her, Lucian ran over but he disappeared with Lexi before he reached her. He heard Faith cry out but by the time he turned she had also disappeared. He kept looking around, waiting for Tobias to reappear.
"That was fun. If I couldn't shadow walk then I would have taken some serious damage there. So fair play to you. Now then, will you come willingly?"
Lucian spat at him, which only made Tobias laugh. He wiped it away and sneered at Lucian. 
"On your own head be it"
He disappeared with a laugh, Lucian knew how people who could teleport worked. So he spun around with a kick but met nothing but air. 
"Over here"
He spun again but saw no-one. More laughing behind him. Lucian began shadow walking himself, round and around the hallway. Every time trying to see Tobias. He started catching glimpses before he couldn't hear him anymore. He paused by the door, scanning for anything out of place. He heard the door behind him swing open, so he turned with shadow swords and slashed. But yet again there wasn't anyone standing there. He began to turn back when he saw the metal divider being swung at his head. The last thing he saw was Tobias smiling before everything went black.

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