Chapter 14 New Grand Mage

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The next few days passed as slowly as they could have passed. He hadn't been able to get a hold of China. Or anyone who worked for the sanctuary. He needed to check it out, he couldn't even begin to wonder what Smoke had done. But first, he had to make sure everything here was okay. It had been very rocky, whilst Saracen had fully recovered but he was now silent due to Dexters death. In fact, all of them mourned his death. Especially Valkyrie, she hadn't moved an inch since the corruption. She had only said about how she was incredibly sorry about what she had done. But he knew it wasn't her. That was all Smoke. 

Faith on the other hand, she hadn't stopped. She wanted whoever was responsible for Lucians death. Her and Lexi were seething for revenge. He couldn't blame them, as he was also seething for revenge. But he had to see what was happening at the sanctuary. He walked into the front room, Valkyrie was upstairs in his spare room whilst everyone else was already waiting for him.
"Finally. Right we need to go" said Faith as she paced back and forth. Lexi sat behind her whilst Saracen was leaning against the wall.
"We need to prepare first" he responded calmly.
"What is there to prepare? We have to go see China!"
"China isn't responding. So we need to ensure we know or can at least deal with whatever has happened"
"If China isn't responding then we know we have to deal with Smoke. So let's go!"
She stormed out, shortly followed by Lexi and Saracen. He knew they were right, the more time they spent here meant the more time Smoke had to corrupt and fortify. He shouted upstairs to Valkyrie to let her know that they were departing for the sanctuary. Once he had locked the door and set the defences he joined them by his car. Faith got in front whilst the other two slunk into the back. Whilst they were all incredibly angry they were also concerned. They hadn't apprehended whoever was behind this and now they had to be sidetracked to deal with Smoke.
Faith tapped her feet whilst he drove through the busier streets of Roarhaven.
"Is it me, or does everyone look grumpy?" asked Saracen, who was staring as people looked over and glared.
"Less grumpy, more unhappy to see us. What the hell happened?" asked Faith.
"We're about to find out" he said as they pulled up to the gate. The once friendly guard just pretended not to notice them as he opened the gate.
"We maybe hated, but we know Smoke wants us here" he said as he drove to the sanctuary steps. 

As they all got out they could hear the citizens of Roarhaven closing in, all chatting away quietly. He locked the door and started up the steps, the others following him until they saw the man at the top. A doctor with white hair, his lab coat waving in the wind as he watched them. He spread his arms wide.
"And here they are! The conquering heroes! Returning from battle!"
"Who are you? And where's China?"
The man laughed, before stepping to the side. Even from afar he could recognise Smoke. He stepped forward holding something in his arms. His fist clenched when he saw the blood drenched China Sorrows laid in his arms. 
"I am afraid dear Supreme Mage China Sorrows lost her life in the threat to Roarhaven that you neglected to deal with. These people have been told about how you selfishly abandoned Roarhaven to save your friend whilst a tipped off assault happened right here. The streets were a battlefield. But whilst you were playing heroes, I was becoming the part. I cleansed the threat, but I was too late to save dear Miss Sorrows. But my vow remains, I will help lead Roarhaven into a better and grander age!"

Everyone aside from the dead men cheered for him, thunderous applause as he bowed to the people. Faith summoned a fireball but Skulduggery stopped her.
"We can't do this here. Everyone would swarm us and there would be innocent casualties" he whispered. She hissed but reluctantly waved the flame away.
"I am now Supreme Mage Dr Sidom! I shall lead with an iron fist! Ensuring that we, the citizens of Roarhaven, are duly thought of! My associates Mr Smoke and Miss Empress will be my elders, I do not believe in only a council of one. I am not so selfish."
They watched as Smoke bowed and Delilah, who had only just walked out, waved at everyone with a sick smile so wide even they could see it.
"My first act as the Supreme Mage is to banish the former dead men! They have outlived their purpose so it's high time they were disbanded. Dead men! Hear me! You have until tonight to leave Roarhaven or we will exhibit force to remove you!"
The people once again roared their approval! Objects such as drinks and fruit had started to have been thrown at them, Skulduggery kept it at bay using an air barrier.
"And if we refuse to leave these very steps? We know what you are! You've orchestrated all of this!"
A chorus of boos sounded around them, the people were getting louder and louder.
"Then we will have to exile you here and now!"
Smoke and Delilah started down the stairs, separating when Tobias shadow walked into the middle of them, turning and smiling down at them.  He joined them as they slowly advanced towards them.
"We take your exile. We will leave Roarhaven by tonight"
All three of them stopped as Dr Sidom spoke again.
"Wise choice. I wish to avoid blood shed at all costs. These citizens don't need to see anymore harm to their city. However, to show your good faith to us. You must do something for us"
He cocked his head, he hadn't expected a demand.
"What is this sign of good faith?"
"Almost six years to the day, Darquesse laid waste to a large part of Roarhaven. Many were affected. Over a thousand killed. We want the person who is responsible for the crimes to be held accountable. No longer hiding behind her friends in high places. She must atone for what she did. Bring Valkyrie to us, and you may harbour safely here." 
His answer was quick, no need to even think about it.
"Valkyrie wasn't to blame for what happened that day. Darquesse was. So it would be unfit to punish her for anothers crimes."
"Were you or were you not both warned of what was to come? The battle that was to be waged right here? We know that Darquesse was the true embodiment of Valkyrie. We know she had the chance to walk away. But being selfish like the rest of you she chose to keep us in danger so she could live the life of elites. We, as a city, demand judgement! We demand justice! We demand retribution!"
"I will not hand over Valkyrie"
"Then you leave us with no alternative. You have until tonight to leave Roarhaven. But make no mistake, comes sunrise, we will seek you out. We will not stop we will not rest, not until Valkyrie Cain pays for her actions!"
The familiar roar of the crowd bellowed around them in approval. All he could do was nod as he turned and lead the others back to the Bentley. It was a quiet drive home. No-one knew what to say. The sanctuary was taken. China was dead. Valkyries head was demanded. All was different now. 

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