Chapter 8 Domed

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He watched as Skulduggery dispatched of the last Hollowmen. Despite all these years he hadn't lost his edge or his unmerciless approach to anything standing in his path. It was one of the things about Skulduggery that he both admired and feared. He had been a remnant before, whilst he didn't remember it he was sure if Skulduggery had to he would've been shot to kill the remnant. He had hoped when he had brought on Valkyrie that he would mellow. And for a few years it seemed he had, but losing her five years ago showed Dexter that he hadn't changed, just gotten better at hiding it.

He saw Valkyrie in action too, definitely rusty but she seemed to know what she was doing. Her takedowns could be brutal too, plus there was a whole new look in her eyes. An edged look, he didn't know if it was what happened five years ago or if it was the time she spent away. Or even both. But she too had changed. Then he looked at Saracen, he still fought admirably but you could see the poison starting to take effect. He hadn't realised it before, but he really didn't want to lose Saracen. He didn't know what it was but recently he found himself even missing Saracen whenever he wasn't around. They had had great times together sure, but why did it sting when he saw Faith and Saracen talking together. He wasn't sure he understood. He had felt this way before but never towards another man. He doubted this was love, it couldn't be. Could it?
He almost jumped as Saracen slapped his shoulder lightly, he could've sworn he felt a spark when he touched him.
"Sorry, what's happening?"
"We're moving on, got a few more tasks to do before you go into relaxing Dex mode"
Dexter laughed it off, avoiding Saracens eyes. "Well then, we better get through this quickly. I hear a beach with my name on it"
"One of these days you will invite me to one of your infamous beach trips"
"As you will one day tell me your power"
Saracen laughed and shook his head. "You know my power, I know things."
Dexter hated that line, but Saracen always made it the perfect mix of sassy and annoying. All adjoined with that impish grin. He shook his head as they rejoined Skulduggery and Valkyrie, he couldn't be thinking these things. Not about a friend.
"Done bromancing back there?" Asked Valkyrie as she jammed her hands in her pockets.
"You're just jealous you're not in on the action Val. Always room for you though, if Skulduggery will let us have you" Saracen joked as he wrapped an arm around her and Dexter.
She laughed and brushed him off. "I'm no-ones right now, and I'm not up for being shared. If you want to fight for my love feel free"
"I don't think that would be fair, seeing as I'm poisoned"
She shrugged as Skulduggery paused. He held a hand up and they all slammed their backs into the wall silently as he peered around the corner. When he leaned back Valkyrie raised an eyebrow.
"What's there?"
"Something terrifying. Arms like trees and claws razor sharp."
"You don't know what it is do you?"
"Of course I do, it's our next challenge."
Dexter crept up and stole a look. This creature looked half puma and half human. As if someone mixed a wrestler with a jungle cat. Chains hung along the walls whilst a furnace raised the temperature of the whole room. This thing seemed to be cooking at the furnace.
"Right, Valkyrie and I will go left, you two go right. On my mark, we throw everything we have at it, okay?"
All of their heads snapped round as the creature was walking over to the corner they were hiding around. His fangs dropped with saliva but it seemed to annoy it more than anything.
"Ummm" Valkyrie choked out.
"I could hear you coming. But we don't have to fight, tea?"
Dexter and Saracen looked at each other at the same time, mimicking the same estrange look at each other. They both grinned as they stood up straight and walked over to the table along with Skulduggery and Valkyrie.
"So we don't need to fight you?"
"No. The man in charge wants us to, but I just want to be free. So if you leave then it's plan failed and he will let me go. Or I'll kill him"
They all sat at the table as the creature grabbed the pot from the furnace.
"I seem to lack the cups for all of you, so you shall have to drink in shifts"
"Well, I don't drink so you can skip me. What should we call you first of all?" Skulduggery asked.
"I'm a pumanian. And no you're not supposed to know what that is, for all intent and purposes I'm not supposed to exist. But my name is Brian."
"Right, Brian. Good to meet you, what did you mean we don't have to fight. To move on we have to kill you right?"
"Of course, but you don't have to move on. You can spare me and just leave."
"See, we need the cure at the end of this. So turning back isn't an option for us"
The creature finished pouring Saracen and Dexter's cup of tea before responding.
"So you will insist on fighting me?"
"If that is what we need to do, but I would rather avoid a conflict. If you could just give us the key or the card or whatever it is we need to proceed then we can just-"

He was cut off by Brian slamming his arm in a backward slash into his chest, sending Skulduggery across the room. They jumped up for action as Brian picked up the table and slammed it into Valkyrie. She cried out as Saracen grabbed a broken table leg. Dexter surged an energy beam at him but he rolled out of the way and slashed at him. He ducked back and punched Brian's arm. Dexter immediately grunted and pulled back, clutching his hand. Punching his arm had felt like punching a wall. So magic it was. Before Brian got another swipe off Dexter watched as Skulduggery pushed at the air and sent Brian against the furnace. He crashed into it with a roar and eyed all four of them up. Valkyrie stepped forward and closed her eyes, causing Brian to tilt his head in curiosity. She raised her hand and a bolt of white lightning shot out, missing  Brian but turning the wall behind him into debris. Brian stared at the wreckage before charging right at Valkyrie. Both Dexter and Saracen shot forward to intercept but a right hand later they were both in a heap on the floor as Skulduggery fought hand to hand with Brian.

"Bloody hell....what is this thing?" Saracen gasped as he entangled himself from Dexter's legs.
"He told us, a pain in the ass"
Skulduggery got thrown across the room again whilst Valkyrie fired off bolts of lightning. Dexter helped Saracen to his feet.
"Maybe your delicate body should wait here whilst we fight...Brian."
"I would object but I just love when people fight for me" Saracen winked as Dexter turned and launched an energy beam at Brian's back. He arched his back and roared again before turning his attention to  Dexter. Skulduggery pulled out his gun and fired all six shots at Brian's head. He turned and stepped back with each impact, but none of the bullets entered his skull. They all crumpled against his skin and fell to the floor.
Brian grabbed the furnace and launched it at Skulduggery who had to roll to avoid it. He got to one knee and blasted him with two continuous streams of fire, catching him in the chest. Whilst he was kept a bay Dexter fired off two beams into Brian's face. Valkyrie got as close as she could before sending white lightning into his chest. All three streams were too much and Brian buckled backwards with a steaming hole in his chest. They all lowered their hands whilst Saracen walked over.
"All in a day's work"
"You did none of this"
"I supported you all, by cheering"
"You didn't even do that"
Skulduggery was stood over Brian, who surprisingly wasn't dead. He was gasping in pain as his chest smouldered and bled.
"Where's the key Brian?"
"It's in the beam above you, I was ment to kill one of you with it"
"Well, I'm glad you didn't. Will you survive?"
"I was never supposed to, no matter how much I wanted to."
"Tell us, where is he? And where is the cure?"
"That I am afraid I do not know. I apologize it came to this but I just wanted to live."
Dexter looked at Saracen, whilst Brian was speaking to Skulduggery Dexter was figuring out what he had to do, and what he had to say to Saracen.
"I understand that. But we need that cure and nothing can stand in our way."
Brian nodded, the last piece of his life fading away.
"Then I must warn you, he has most traps in store. Nothing is what it seems, trust nothing. Second guess everything. Only then will you...."
His eyes glazed over as he breathed his last. Dexter almost shed a tear. Valkyrie kicked his foot before relaxing.
"Just making sure"
Skulduggery hovered up and retrieved the key from the beam. Behind where the furnace was leaned a metal sheet covering a door.
"Time to head on."
"Do you reckon the others are okay?" Asked Saracen, as he looked past Dexter and almost through the wall behind him.
"They can handle themselves. Two dead men and a daughter of two dead men. I feel more sorry for what faces them"
Saracen smiled at Dexter. "You're right man. Thanks"
Dexter smiled back as Skulduggery opened the door, picketing the key before pushing it open.
"Onwards and what appears to be upwards"

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