Chapter 5 New Orders

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China hated the stress of this job. Keeping everyone happy whilst deciding the best course of action going forward. It was causing worry lines on her forehead. And she hated that. Sure, she had a sigil that erased the effects of the lines but still. Life was easier just owning a library. All of her collection of books surrounding her. A joyous life.

A knock on the door carried her out of her own thoughts, she ushered them in. Not looking over to them until she was sat down. Skulduggery, Valkyrie, Dexter, Saracen, Faith and Lucian stood in front of her.
"I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Whoever is behind what happened nine months ago, they must be stopped. I don't want them getting to big for their boots and doing something proposterus like coming for my job or anything. Find who this is, and bring them in. You have full use of anything you need. Get it down. And fast. Dismissed."
She waved them away, they left without a word. Just a nod.
She didn't even get to speak to Valkyrie after her return. Truth be told she had missed Valkyrie. She missed her sarcasm and she missed how she made Skulduggery be. But all that had to wait, however much she wanted it. She frowned. She wasn't used to putting herself second. Hopefully it wouldn't be something she gets accustomed to.


The ride in the van was full of chatter and banter. Getting caught up with everyone. Lucian joined in where appropriate, but kept his mind sharp. There was something going on. He knew it. Saracen had spent a little too much time with Faith as of late. He looked at them now, she giggled when he made his jokes. He smirked when she smiled. It was almost like old times. He didn't know what Saracens game was, but he would find out.

Once they arrived, they all jumped out and walked up to the house. It stood tall but certainly not proud. It had starting rotting with the mold and weather damage, causing a smell similar to that of a sewer. This was Delilah's old home. Where she could have planned her attack at Ravel's mansion. This place had only just came up recently, so not even Skulduggery had gotten the chance to check it out yet. The smell inside worsened, causing half the group to pinch their noses in disgust. The place was borderline derelict. Splintering wooden furniture crumbled on the floor. Dust heaped up like waves of sand in a desert. They headed upstairs and entered her bedroom. When they realised that they wouldn't all fit, he Saracen and Faith were sent to look downstairs for any secret rooms or a basement. Saracen and Faith kept their talking to a minimum, seems their funny talks couldn't be inspired in a place like this.
"Jesus, this place is rotten."
Faith looked about before responding. "I guess not being here for nine months sends the place into disarray."
Lucian cut in before Saracen could respond. "Doubt she had a maid or anything. Most basements start in the kitchen. Let's look there first"
He didn't leave room for debate as he led the way straight to the kitchen.

The kitchen was nice and homey, no washing up stacked up or rotting food on the surfaces. All in all didn't look too bad. A door stood in-between.
"Reckon that's what we are looking for?" Asked Saracen, nudging Faith as she closed the fridge.
"Looking for food Faith?" He joked.
"Something to drink actually"
"Doubt anything would be in date"
"It was empty"
"Oh, that's a shame"
She shrugged as Saracen approached the door, probably to prove how many he was. Lucian doubted how manly it was to not be afraid of a door. He reached out and tested the handle.
"Ah shit!" He yanked his hand back as he yelled. Both Lucian and Faith rushed over, he reckoned he had a splinter or something. Served him right. However, his hand was turning a nasty yellow.
"What the hell?"
"I got stung by the door handle"
Whilst Faith faffed about with Saracens hand Lucian inspected the door handle, there was a needle just above the latch that looked like it would nick anyone who tried to open it. Saracen was proof of that.
The rest of the dead men walked back in, Skulduggery had some papers in his hand.
"What happened down here?" Asked Dexter.
"Saracen grabbed that door handle and it stung him with something. I think he's poisoned."
"Bloody hell! Saracen you twat"
Lucian laughed as Saracen bowed his head in shame. Skulduggery pocketed the papers and tested the door, due to being a skeleton he needn't worry about the poison. It swong open and everyone peered in. No idea if they were to be expecting anything but gloomy stairs leading down to a basement"
"Is there a light switch?" Asked Saracen.
"Yeah, watch this" Faith clicked her fingers and lead the way down with a flame in hand. Everyone followed down in single file, eager to see what was down the bottom. Saracen cradled his hand as they emerged into a fairly vast basement. Not much filled it as Skulduggery contributed to the lights with his own flame.

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