Chapter 6 Smoke and Mirrors

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He sat in his cell, alone. After being captured two months ago only Skulduggery had interviewed him. He was deemed dangerous, noone allowed to get anywhere close to him. Hands bound. Power cut off. Little did they know however. He smirked at the thought. He hated how dark the cell was, he hated how badly it smelt in here. He hated how the cleavers were robot. No life in them at all. Still corruptible though, that alone made Smokes smirk grow into a chuckle.

He lifted his head slowly as he heard the door open. A cleaver grabbed him, yanked him up and pushed him out of the door. How foolish, they only sent one. Now it was time to see if the sigil worked. He pressed the sigil burned into the top of his left thigh.  He didn't buckle when he felt the power surge in his body, enough to short circuit the cuffs. The cleaver carried on and pushed him out into the hallway. Slyly, he held an arm back and grabbed the cleavers arm. The cleaver went rigid and let him go and Smoke smiled. Piece of cake. But he was intrigued on why the cleaver had come to grab him.
"Hey you...cleaver. Take me where you were going to take me. Do nothing else." He whispered. The cleaver nodded and marched him towards the interview room. Who was going to question him? He'd shown that he wasn't going to cooperate with anyone. So what gives?

In the room sat at the table was none other than Skulduggery and Valkyrie. Neither of them looked up as the cleaver pushed him in and then closed the door.
"Wow. Not even going to say hello?"
"Sit down Smoke. We are only here for a few questions"
Smoke obliged and sat down, keeping his feet up.
"Haven't I made it obvious that I'm not going to willingly help you. And none of your little sensitives can crack me open like you want."
"Whilst all that is true, I can offer you a reduced sentence."
"Going to have to spice it up Skeleton. How about you girlie? Got any bright ideas?"
She sneered as he lent in close, she backed off slightly but Skulduggery held a hand to her shoulder.
"Don't worry, in here his power is useless. Those cuffs stop him for corrupting anyone. Had to render him unconscious to put them on"
"It was a good battle skeleton. But you bested me." He shrugged and sat back in his chair, he had to play it cool. Opportunities like this didn't come up everyday.
"He's not going to tell us anything Skulduggery, let's go. We have things to do"
"The address, right?"
She frowned whilst Skulduggery cocked his head. So the plan was in action. Good to know.
"How do you know about that?"
He got up and stretched before answering. Neither took their gaze from him.
"Like your friend, what's his name? Saracha? Sarachen? Saracen? That's it. I know things basically. And all information comes with a price."
"Name it Smoke" spat out Skulduggery. His tone sounded firm, but a little cautious.
Smoke started to walk laps around the room, both of their heads followed him. Making sure he didn't try anything. Smart.
"I want freedom. I want to walk out of here this weekend. It would be today but I'm not missing Sundays lunch. It's Tacos. I want a full pardon and a full ignore notice so I can do whatever I want. Or no deal. Simple as that."
"Why the hell would we give you all of that?" Asked Valkyrie. "We must as well as encourage you to corrupt and kill"
He shrugged and placed a hand on her shoulder, she recoiled but what Skulduggery said sinked in. She was confident he couldn't affect her. How misjudged. As he spoke, so Skulduggery kept his eyes, well gaze, on him, he corrupted Valkyrie. She went silent but because he was talking the great skeleton shouldn't have expected a thing.
"Because I have the information you need girlie. I'm the link you need. Otherwise you lose. Oh and I want this"
He leaned forward and whispered into her ear, Skulduggery stood up but Smoke got the message through.
"In the arena I want you to kill anyone you can. Be discreet. Don't stray from how you would normally act, now act disgusted."
She recoiled and groaned as Skulduggery threw him over the table.
"Aww man. The going was getting good."
"Let's go Skulduggery, he won't tell us anything." She shuddered and Skulduggery nodded.
"I'll get someone to escort you back to your cell"
He watched them leave and grinned. Not how today was supposed to go, but definitely not a failure. Now they had another horse in the race. Skulduggerys own partner. He hoped she would kill him first. His corrupted cleaver collected him and took him back to his cell as per his request. Today he sat tight, tomorrow...tomorrow he staged a jailbreak.


They left the interview room and she felt invigored. She could feel the corruption around her body, coursing through her. A part of her wanted to fight it, to beat it back and not let it take over. So she sniffed that part out and fully let it in. Having no regrets was a lot better than being filled with guilt and shame. And why should she be ashamed. Whilst everyone could ridicule her for what she did, she knew deep down they would have done no different. They would have chosen the thrill and the excitement. So she decided that she didn't feel bad. She made the right choice.
"Are you okay?"
"Huh, yeah. He's just one hell of a creepy bloke. Should have known he wouldn't have told us anything"
"It was a possible lead. Couldn't ignore it. But it seems the only way we have to go now is the address."
"Seems like it, you sure everyone didn't mind waiting?"
He stayed silent for a moment so she got a little worried that he may be noticing something. But he spoke like nothing was different. But she knew to take it easy and to be careful.
"At the end of the day, they know we have to look at every avenue. So it seems the seven of us are heading into whatever this person has planned for us."
"Wait, seven?"
"Yes. It seems that Faiths daughter, Lexi, wishes to tag along."
"And is that wise?"
He shrugged. "Well, according to everyone else she's very similar to her mother. Which means we could do with her help due to not knowing what danger we are about to walk into"
"Okay, and if she holds us back?"
"I have confidence that she won't, she's keen to prove herself and I think having role models like us would do her some good"
"Why do you make everything sound like it's a good idea?"
"Because I'm me. And I can do many miraculous things"
She rolled her eyes. "Why did I have to ask?"

They met up with everyone outside, they were all lent on the van. Aside from Dexter, who was lent on the Bentley. She spotted Saracen talking to Faith and Lucian, remembering his power of 'knowing things'. She knew to either keep away from him, or kill him first. She knew him the least after all. Well, aside from Lexi. But she should be easy pickings.
"Dexter, off of my car"
He pushed himself off and stepped to the side. "It's quite comfy"
"The only comfy part you should sit on is the seats on the inside. Nowhere else. Got it?"
"Sir yes sir." Dexter mocked saluted and Valkyrie grinned. Dexter looked so goofy when he acted serious. She also remembered the first time she met him. And that time he took off his shirt. Good times.
"Right then. Valkyrie, Dexter and I shall take the Bentley. The rest of you take the van, we drive in a convoy but not draw attention to ourselves. We should get their by tonight. Midnight at the latest. Once we know what the location looks like, we can make a plan then. Questions?"
Both Dexter and Saracen raised their hands, whilst Lexi looked ready for action. Poor girl, her first and last major mission.
"None? Splendid. Everyone, let's go"
Dexter and Saracen groaned but said nothing as Dexter went to get into the front seat.
"Uh-huh Dexter. That's my seat."
"I don't see your name on it"
"That's because how much I used it must have rubbed it off"
"Dexter, sit in the back"
"Aww c'mon! I've never gotten to sit in the front of this!"
"You will one day" consoles Valkyrie as she slid into the front. Dexter flopped into the back with a fake sulk. The other climbed into the van and followed as Skulduggery led the way. The arena waited for them. And hey, she didn't know. It could be the perfect place for the dead men's final fight.

Murder Mansion: SP OC Arena of RighteousnessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang