Chapter 7 Hunt Begins

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Lexi sat quietly in the back of the van. She occasionally contributed to the conversation but never stay talking for long. Saracen was busy talking to Faith and Lucian whilst pretending the poison wasn't taking effect. Whilst Faith and Lucian spoke there seemed to be something there. And not the good something. She felt they were hiding something but not saying anything. Maybe even different secrets. Lucian drove, which he was actually quite good at contrary to what her mother had told her, he kept the van almost right behind the Bentley even though they were travelling at speed. It was a couple of hours before they were due to arrive at the texted location but she just knew it was going to be in the middle of nowhere. Partly due to the GPS showing it was, and the fact that for the last half hour all she could see through the front window was fields and empty roads.

She looked at the back of Lucian's head, he had seemed tense the last few days. She didn't blame him of course. Being the front runner for a grand Mage is bound to be tough. She had heard him and her mother discussing it, even the prospect of them moving to England. She didn't know where she fitted into that plan but there was no way she was leaving Roxas behind. She had finally met someone she cared about, even if they had tried to kill each other within a week of knowing each other. But that was in the past, they were even due to be married in a few months. Planning had taken Roxas away from missions solely so it didn't take her away from her missions. He said he didn't mind, but she could tell he was rushing it a bit so he could get back there.

She looked back at Lucian, he was really tense. Come to think of it, he had been tense ever since Saracen came back from America. When she looked at Saracen, he was just staring out of the window. It wasn't common to see Saracen not in the heart of the conversation. But he had barely spoke, she knew he was poisoned but it wasn't due to start taking effect again for over twenty four hours. She wandered what was going on through his head.


The night sky was a jet black sheen dotted with stars. It was beautiful in its own way. When they were getting out Skulduggery, Valkyrie and Dexter were already out and scoping out the place. She looked out and saw what looked like a stadium. Except it was taller and a lot bigger.
"Okay, this isn't going to be good" said Faith as she joined Lexi staring up at the stadium.
"I don't know what I expected. But it wasn't this" added Lucian as he joined her on the other side.
"Hopefully it's not a maze on the inside"
"Agreed. The quicker this is over the better"
"If you're finished playing happy families, it's time to head in" called over Skulduggery.
They all trudged over as Skulduggery looked around at everyone. He looked as official as he always did. Dressed to the nines as he always was. He adjusted his cufflinks before he spoke.
"It's time to head on in. If anyone has any objections you can leave now, but I will judge you and Valkyrie will most likely mock you"
Valkyrie nodded. "I will"
"See. So we head in now but we stick together. If we get split up rely on the phones China enhanced. They should be able to keep us in contact. We do this fast and easy. We certainly don't want to overstay our welcome here. Plus, our mystery host will most likely try and make contact. Find out as much as you can about them"
"Right, any idea what awaits us in there?" Asked Dexter, eyeing up the entrance.
"Would if make you feel better if I said it's going to be easy in there?"
"Well, we can expect it to be ruthless and dangerous. Better?"
"No, you're the worst"
"Splendid. Any more questions?"
Unlike last time, noone raised their hands. Seemed they learnt from last time.
"Great, let's go and have fun"
They all walked in single file, Skulduggery in the front and Lucian in the back. It was interesting seeing the dead men in action. They worked as one, making sure every angle and direction was covered. Always watching each others backs. That was until they walked in. The door instantly slammed shut, becoming unopenable despite both Dexter and Saracen trying. A large screen was nailed on the wall, not much else aside from two doors decorated the room. The screen hummed as Skulduggery tried the door on the left. Locked, Valkyrie tried the door on the right but the story was the same. Seemed they were stuck in the room, she reckoned that TV was going to turn out in a second. And sure enough, it did. A man in a white lab coat appeared on the screen, a gold mask with black stars around it was worn to hide his face. His white hair flowed down to his shoulders, he didn't bother to keep it tied up. He coughed before he addressed them.
"Hello my dead men. Standing before me like conquering heroes. I see you've added a new person to your ranks. But it won't help you. You're here for the cure, a noble notion. It lies here, in this very room. Your mission is to get here alive. And to then leave alive. But I assure you, it's easier said than done. So, to start your journey, you will split into two teams. A series of challenges await, both teams must complete these or no-one progresses. And before I forget to mention, there is a timer in this. If it depletes fully, a toxic gas will fill this arena and kill all of you. Even you Skulduggery. It erodes bones. Although I am curious to see if your consciousness dissipates or if it will linger. But I do believe I will get my results. Any questions?"
"Yeah, can we just have the cure? I have a dinner reservation" asked Saracen.
The man laughed for a few seconds before shaking his head. "I admire your humour, I look forward to it expiring. I assume there is nothing else? No, good. I bid you all farewell."
The image blurred away until nothing but the snowflake effect was left on the screen. They looked between each other and then at the doors.
"So, we aren't splitting up? Tell me we aren't splitting up" said Faith.
Skulduggery stayed quiet whilst he stared at the doors.
"Skulduggery? Got an idea?" asked Lucian.
"I think I know how we split it"
"Wait, you are suggesting we split up?"
"It's going to be the only way and we all know it. Unfortunately we don't have a choice. If we want the cure then for now we have to do what the man wants"
"Oh my. You really have changed Skulduggery"
"Change isn't bad" chipped in Valkyrie. Lexi looked at her as she spoke for the first time. It wasn't like Valkyrie to be so quiet. She knew the gist of why she left, but if she's come back then why is she so withdrawn.
"I think we should split up and complete these challenges as quickly as possible. For all we know the clock has already started. So Valkyrie, Dexter, Saracen and I will take the left door whist the Matthews can take the right. We should be able to regroup by the end of the tasks."
"I can't believe we're doing this" said Saracen as he shook his head. "Actually doing what that guy wants. What's to stop us-" He broke into a coughing fit before pushing Dexter away who had walked over to help him.
"I'm fine. I'm fine"
Dexter held his hands up defensively.
"That is the reason why. You need that cure which means we have to do what this guy wants"
Saracen grumbled but stopped objecting so they split up into their groups and walked through the doors. Lexi followed Faith and Lucian around the corner until they saw the billboard. It read the challenges they had to complete to unlock the door. Each growing more difficult than the last.
"Jesus, this is insane!"
"We have to take out twenty hollow men? And three werewolves?" replied Faith, looking the list up and down.
"There's a maze and everything. Five tasks in all. Wonder what the others have"
"Hopefully easier tasks, they have Dexter and Saracen after all"
"I assume these are in order? Which means getting the key from a...hellhound is first?"
"Right, let's get on with it."

Murder Mansion: SP OC Arena of RighteousnessМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя