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"Okay, we've all been thinking it so I'm just gonna come out and say it: why in the holy hell do I not just use my powers to save myself?"

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"Okay, we've all been thinking it so I'm just gonna come out and say it: why in the holy hell do I not just use my powers to save myself?"

Once again, Barry was driven to hopefully find a way to save Alex. Julian was with them. He had somehow managed to join the team without Alex even knowing. After the little show down with using him to talk to Savitar, she thought that he was done with STAR Labs. Turns out, Caitlin had offered him a job there.

He didn't know that she was Mirage. He assumed that she was like Cisco who just worked there and used her smarts. He was surprised to see her race in with the suit on and pull her mask off without noticing that he was there. Alex was nearly as surprised as he was. She knew that he knew Barry's identity.

After the little confusion that had to be explained, she welcomed him to the team. When he offered Barry his job back at CCPD, she figured that maybe she he wasn't the bad guy that she had changed her mind to think he was. Maybe he would prove helpful to them in figuring out how to save her.

And so far, he had. Though he gave no solutions yet, he was the one to point out many things of the obvious. To come up with a 3-D structure of that night to figure out the exact plot to use to save her - and that Barry himself would never be able to get fast enough to do it. Julian, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, and Alex were all huddled around the white board.

He showed that if Barry kept on track at the way that he was improving his speed, he would never be able to make it in time. With that being said, Julian headed back to CCPD to leave the original team members to think about what they could do. Alex was the first one to speak when it was just them.

"I don't know," Barry sighed. It crossed his mind several times. Alex was strong enough to save herself so why didn't she? Why couldn't she use her powers to get out of that situation like she had so many times before. "You didn't see anything that would be a power dampener did you?"

Alex and Cisco both shook their heads. As far as they were aware from vibing the future, she seemed perfectly healthy. They didn't know why she never even attempted to use her powers - or more so why speed healing wouldn't do a good enough job to save her. She was a meta, she should have been able to survive.

The mention of a power dampener made Alex cringe. She thought back to the one that Hunter Zolomon placed on her and all the pain that it brought. The torture and temporary blindness was something that was going to stay with her for the rest of her life whether she wanted it to or not.

"Maybe that should be something we should focus on trying to figure out. Julian's math is right Bare, I don't know how you're going to be able to get fast enough to make that distance on time," Alex admitted to him. She always had faith in his abilities but this seemed to be a little bit too impossible. "Maybe I should tell Dylan the truth, about everything. Just in case, you know?"

Alex for years kept Dylan out of her life as a hero because she didn't want him to get hurt or worse. Now, that her life was on stake, she wanted to make those last moments count with him. She wanted to leave this world knowing that her brother loved her and she didn't totally fail at this family thing.

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