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I sat up in bed and ruffled my hair. I stumbled out of bed and stood there thinking of what to do first.
Whatever I'll just go pee.
I use the rest room and shower. After my shower I brush my teeth.
I washed my hands well so I don't get sick...
Anyway I then left the bathroom to my room. It's very hot outside and I react with the environment so much! If it's hot I'm hotter. If it's cold...IM COLDER! I pick out my matching tube top and high waisted shorts. I looked in the mirror at my small curves. I'm petite I guess but I have small curves to me you know. I feel how the light blue fabric is pretty fitted to my body.
My brothers may not like this?
I don't really have a huge amount of insecurities but to name one it would be my arms. They look like chicken bones with a bit more fat than the rest of me. My elbows are a shade darker than me as well. I decide to put on a jacket. I rummage through my closet to find my oldest brother Dylan's thin white jacket.
It's gonna be hot...well i don't care. Beauty kills
I put it on and it goes past my shorts to my mid thigh. Good thing this is just for looks. It doesn't really keep that much heat. It's more of a wind breaker. I brush my curly black hair and style it in a messy bun. I pull out my little lose front hairs and examine my hair...
It's fine
I put of little mascara and lip gloss then grab my essentials.
Keys...check. Wallet...check. Back pack...getting it.
I check myself once more and head out of my room. I walk down the hallway to the kitchen to see everyone already there. My father, My mother, Dylan, my next older brother Kevin, my older sister Empress, and my baby twin siblings: Madison and Mason. Yes I have a big family. Trust me I know. My siblings and me are all about the same age. We are all still in high school. I mean I'm technically grown now. I'm sixteen and at sixteen I'm an adult. However normally we don't move on into becoming real adults until we are eighteen like Dylan. He's moving out next month and Kevin is going to roommate with him. Then Empress will turn 18 and leave in 6 months, right after Kevin(5 months). Unless she finds her omega sooner. Then the twins are 15 so they aren't going to be leaving soon. Twins share a mate so I really wonder how this will turn out.
IM CALLING IT NOW! The twins will be with another set of twins!
I mean it's omegaverse logic. It's not that rare either. Fate always plays out.
"Sorry I'm late" I laughed and sat down. I'm a very picky eater so when mom feels good, which is almost always, she makes me something different if I don't like what she makes. I tell her not to and I can eat something I make or find. Yet she insists and she feels happy to do things for her children. I admire how selfless she is. I want to be just like her. Except I already am kinda. I'm an omega just like her but nobody outside of this room and my doctors know that. My mark is on my hip. Like right neck to my privates. So of course nobody has ever seen it except my parents and doctors. My siblings know of it but have never just like seen it. It was never brought up.
Hey pull down your panties!
I chuckled to myself and Empress just looked at me. "Got a problem weirdo?" I said and she looked at me with fake shock. "What are you an omega or an alpha?" She gasped and asked. I narrowed my eyes at her playfully and ate my bagels and fruit. Dad finished first and gave everyone forehead kisses then left. Dad is amazing. I'm sure every girl dreams her future mate is like her dad. Well if you're dad is a good man in your eyes. "Aye that's my jacket?!" Dylan yelled and my mother reminded him to use his inside voice. I looked around at everything that wasn't Dylan as I ignored him. "You are lucky I have to go. I swear I won't forget it this time! I'll take it back tonight." He said as he got up and Kevin followed. "You're gonna forget as soon as you walk out that door!" I laughed and everyone joined in. Dylan rolled his eyes and stuck his middle fingers up at me. "Dylan Rider Isashi!" My mother said and he apologized as he ran out the door pulling Kevin. "Ugh male children." My mom said and Mason looked at her. "Oh I meant the old ones." She giggled. Empress finished her food and took the twins with her. "Why don't you all carpool? You're going to the same place." My mom said to me as they left. "Everyone has different things to do after school. Dylan and Kevin have football and basketball practice. Empress and the twins have theater, band, and choir. While I just float around." I explained and mom didn't need me to answer because she already knew but I did so anyway. "Well since we omegas are alone..." my mom said and I cringed. It's not like I absolutely hate being an omega. It's just that I didn't expect it. It's a lot to deal with too. "Have you still not experienced a heat yet?" Mother asked and I shook my head no. She knew that. "Maybe we should increase your doses. Nothing is working?" She said and I just listen while I finished my fruits. "Maybe I'm some mishap. I'm nothing like a normal omega..." I whispered and she placed a hand on my shoulder. "Nothing is wrong with you honey. These things are different for everyone. Everything is going to be fine. My phone buzzed so I asked to look and she let me.
Dylan: The fuck were you wearing by the way. Kevin almost made you change.
Me: Fuck you both.
"Sorry it was just the boys." I said and she told me that I should be on my way. "But my other begal?" I cried. "Take it with you. Maybe if you ate faster or woke up on time you could have finished it." She said as she placed it in my open mouth. I bite it and muffled out a thank you then left out the door. I yelled that I loved her as she waved me off then I hoped in my car. I have a light blue convertible punch buggy. I chose it and I love it. My siblings chose some sports cars and trucks but I knew I wanted this cutie when I first laid eyes on it. I pulled out the driveway and blasted my bass boosted music. I have no idea why this loud music mixed with harsh vibrations soothes me.
Oh here it is...whew!
I speed off to school and make sure I remember to be careful.

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